
suomi-englanti sanakirja

nix englannista suomeksi

  1. kieltää, torpata

  2. ei mitään

  1. niks

  2. torpata

  3. niitata

  4. näkki

  5. Substantiivi

nix englanniksi

  1. Nothing. (defdate)

  2. (syn)

  3. (quote-book)

  4. (quote-book)|passage="I can take you down, Miss Conover, but I cannot take Mr. Hawksley. When the boss gives me an order I obey it—if I possibly can. On the day the boss tells me you can go strolling, I'll give you the key to the city. Until then, nix! No use arguing, Mr. Hawksley."

  5. To make something become nothing; to reject or cancel. (defdate)

  6. (ux)

  7. (quote-journal)

  8. 1977-1980, Sullivan|Lou Sullivan, personal diary, quoted in 2019, Ellis Martin, Zach Ozma (editors), ''We Both Laughed In Pleasure''

  9. He said his roommate had reacted favorably & said he "wanted to share the bed" with him! So I figured that nixed me out of the picture at least for now.
  10. To destroy or eradicate.

  11. No! Not at all!

  12. A warning cry when a policeman or schoolmaster etc. was seen approaching.

  13. A treacherous water-spirit

  14. (hypo)

  15. nothing

  16. (uxi)

  17. (inflection of); (gloss) my eye.

  18. (inflection of); (gloss) my eyes.

  19. no, way

  20. (alternative form of)

  21. (l), (l) (gloss)

  22. {{quote-text|nl|year=1956|title=s-Gravenhage. Maandblad der gemeente 's-Gravenhage|page=14

  23. (deliberate misspelling of)

  24. way!

  25. snow

  26. (Q)

  27. white hair

  28. (synonym of), oxide

  29. nixie

  30. mother

  31. nope