
suomi-englanti sanakirja

mille englanniksi

  1. a thousand

  2. (l) (gloss)

  3. (inflection of)

  4. (infl of)

  5. thousand, one thousand, a thousand

  6. (uxi)

  7. mile (''abbreviation'' mi)

  8. (short for)

  9. bullseye

  10. thousand, thousand

  11. (cln) thousand; 1000

  12. (Q)

  13. a mile, ''particularly'' a mile of 8 stades ((m)); 1,000 paces ((m)); or 5,000 feet ((m))

  14. (alt form)

  15. thousand

  16. thousand

  17. mile

  18. thousand (gloss)

  19. (cln) (clipping of)

  20. an amount of money corresponding to one million (of a given currency)

  21. (syn)

  22. (cln) thousand