
suomi-englanti sanakirja

lett englanniksi

  1. (archaic form of)

  2. {{quote-book|en|year=1754|author=Walter Goodall|chapter=An Examination of the Letters, Said to be written by Mary Queen of Scots, to James Earl of Bothwell: Also An Inquiry into the Murder of Kind Henry. Vol. II|location=Edinburgh|page=323|title=The Quenes Majesty to the Lord Wardens of the marches, for assistance of the Erle of Murray

  3. counter

  4. (senseid) (inflection of)

  5. (uxi)

  6. (construed with): (inflection of)

  7. (participle of)

  8. (senseid) (only in).

  9. (senseid) Latvian (gloss)

  10. (senseid) Latvian (q)

  11. Latvian (q)

  12. bed

  13. low, without music or ceremonials

  14. (coi)

  15. line with large hooks

  16. (alti)

  17.  main rope tied to fishing pots

  18. easy (q)

  19. light (q)

  20. (q) easily, lightly

  21. (inflection of)

  22. (infl of)

  23. (nb-former)

  24. easy

  25. easily

  26. (nn-former)

  27. (adj form of)

  28. Latvian, person from Latvia

  29. (verb form of)