
suomi-englanti sanakirja

kori englanniksi

  1. basket

  2. punnet

  3. holdall

  4. handbasket

  5. hamper

  6. bodywork

  7. body

  8. elevator car

  9. crate

  10. skep

  11. car, gondola

  1. The monetary unit of (w) prior to 1947, divided into 24 dokdas.

  2. basket

  3. (syn)

  4. case, crate (gloss)

  5. made of wicker

  6. (uxi)

  7. bodywork, body

  8. basket, goal (gloss)

  9. curry

  10. of, at, or relating to a certain age (gloss)

  11. of or from the era or period of …… (gloss)

  12. (uxi)

  13. (synonym of).

  14. (ja-romanization of)

  15. to flow

  16. (infl of)

  17. (inflection of)

  18. to raise

  19. stroke

  20. To stroke, to pet, to caress

  21. To up

  22. pike (fish)