
suomi-englanti sanakirja

insouciant englannista suomeksi

  1. huoleton

insouciant englanniksi

  1. Casually unconcerned; carefree, indifferent, nonchalant.

  2. (ux)

  3. (quote-book)|year=1834|volume=II|page=220|pageurl=|oclc=230671148|passage="I am quite serious in saying that your loss must and would be felt; but I verily believe," added she, after a moment's hesitation, "that you are so ''insouciant'' yourself, that you cannot believe that every body else is not equally indifferent."

  4. (quote-book)

  5. (quote-book) As for me, I was consumed by a secret and burning desire to ask the Story Girl if I might see ''her'' home; but I could not screw my courage to the sticking point. How I envied Peter his easy, insouciant manner!

  6. (quote-journal): Necessary Actor|url=,9171,994009,00.html|archiveurl=,9171,994009,00.html|archivedate=6 March 2008|magazine=(magazine)|Time|date=26 April 2004|passage=(..) Nicholson|Jack Nicholson turned to an assistant, bummed a cigarette, flashed one of his wolfish, insouciant grins and said, "We all have our little secrets, Seany."

  7. carefree, without worries

  8. uncaring

  9. (syn)