
suomi-englanti sanakirja

ida|princess englanniksi

  1. ewe

  2. water

  3. east

  4. going, departure, leaving

  5. (ant)

  6. outward leg of a journey

  7. (gl-verb form of)

  8. (n-g); them

  9. (uxi)

  10. eye

  11. ground

  12. (alt form)

  13. (infl of)

  14. (nn-former)

  15. going

  16. departure

  17. trip

  18. (feminine singular of)

  19. outward leg (q)

  20. march

  21. leg (gl)

  22. (syn)

  23. (adj form of)

  24. one

  25. to see

  26. sword

  27. division, proportion, fraction

  28. beeswax, wax

  29. creation, formation

  30. wickedness, cruelty, taboo