
suomi-englanti sanakirja

honeydew englannista suomeksi

  1. hunajameloni

  1. Substantiivi

  2. mesikaste

honeydew englanniksi

  1. A sweet, sticky substance deposited on leaves and other plant parts by insects (especially aphids and insects) feeding on plant sap, or by fungi.

  2. (synonyms)

  3. (RQ:Parkinson Theatrum Botanicum)

  4. A sweet liquid substance resembling the substance mentioned in sense 1, such as honey, nectar, or manna in the Bible.

  5. (RQ:Shakespeare Titus Andronicus Q1)

  6. (RQ:Topsell Beasts and Serpents) Such a kind of dew the Hæbrewes call ''Manna'', the Græcians ''Aeromelos'', and ''Droſomelos'': The Germaines ''Himmelhung'': and in Engliſh Honny-de (..)

  7. (RQ:Coleridge Christabel)

  8. A blackish mould (often called (vern)) produced by fungi of the order (taxfmt), feeding on the substance mentioned in sense 1.

  9. ''In full'' honeydew tobacco: a fine sort of tobacco moistened with a sweet substance (originally molasses).

  10. (short for) cultivar group, with sweet, light green or white flesh and a smooth greenish-white or yellow rind

  11. A light green colour, like the flesh of some honeydew melons.

  12. (color panel)

  13. Something that is enjoyable or pleasant.

  14. (RQ:Dekker Magnificent Entertainment)

  15. Of a light green colour, like the flesh of some melons.