
suomi-englanti sanakirja

gris englanniksi

  1. Gris

  1. grey; gray

  2. gray, grey

  3. dreary

  4. sad

  5. neutral; having an indistinct, disputed or uncertain quality

  6. grey

  7. pig (q)

  8. (synonyms)

  9. pork (q)

  10. (infl of)

  11. grey, gray

  12. drunk, tipsy

  13. {{quote-book

  14. gray

  15. of squirrel

  16. grey

  17. A young pig, grice

  18. The meat of such a pig.

  19. A boar

  20. (alternative form of)

  21. drunk

  22. (syn)

  23. a pig

  24. grey (gloss)

  25. (coi)

  26. boring, dull

  27. (ux)

  28. overcast, cloudy

  29. morally ambiguous

  30. (quote-journal)

  31. (quote-book)

  32. a pig; mammal of the genus ''Sus''

  33. a piglet; young of the pig

  34. a nasty or dirty person

  35. a pig (cop, police officer)

  36. the pigs (the police, collectively)

  37. lipid (gloss)

  38. flattery

  39. (RQ:Buk Baibel)

  40. step, stair