
suomi-englanti sanakirja

genius englannista suomeksi

  1. nerous

  2. nero

  3. erityinen kyky

  1. Substantiivi

  2. nero

  3. nerous, nerokkuus, nerollisuus

  4. neronleimaus

genius englanniksi

  1. (senseid) Someone possessing extraordinary intelligence or skill; especially somebody who has demonstrated this by a creative or original work in science, music, art etc.

  2. (syn)



  3. (senseid) Extraordinary mental capacity.

  4. (quote-journal); Richard Groombridge and Sons,(nb...)|year=1853|page=124|pageurl=|column=2|passage=Excuse, therefore, the shortcomings of genius under the sudorific influence of the summer solstice; for be assured that the vertical sun, however it may dulcify and mature cherries, plums, and other fruitful ‘plumpitudes,’ is by no means favorable to the development of intellectual products.

  5. (RQ:Churchill Celebrity)

  6. (senseid) Inspiration, a mental leap, an extraordinary creative process.

  7. (ux)

  8. (senseid) The deity or spirit of a place or person.

  9. (RQ:Milton Poems)

  10. {{quote-text|en|year=1715|author=Edward Burnett Tylor|title=Primitive Culture

  11. {{quote-text|en|year=1866|author=Frederick F. Wyman|title=From Calcutta to the Snowy Range|page=330

  12. Ingenious, brilliant, very clever, or original.

  13. (quote-book)

  14. (quote-journal)

  15. (l): ingenious, brilliant, very clever, or original.

  16. the deity or guardian spirit of a person, place, etc.; a daemon, a daimon (gloss)

  17. an inborn nature or innate character, especially (though not exclusively) as endowed by a personal (especially tutelar) spirit or deity.

  18. the spirit of social enjoyment, fondness for good living, taste, appetite, inclinations

  19. wit, talents, genius (gloss)

  20. (l)