
suomi-englanti sanakirja

forsake englannista suomeksi

  1. jättää

  1. Verbi

  2. hylätä

forsake englanniksi

  1. To abandon, to up, to leave (permanently), to renounce (someone or something).

  2. (RQ:Book of Common Prayer)

  3. (RQ:Shakespeare Lucrece) make, / Pawning his honor to obtaine his luſt, / And for himſelfe, himſelfe he muſt forſake.

  4. (quote-book)|chapter=The Third Sonet|chapterurl=|title=The Golden Fleece.(nb...)|location=London|publisher=(...) Stansby|William Stansby for Christopher Purfett(nb...)|year=1611|oclc=1224622869|passage=Thou lou'd the Church once, and didſt God adore, / But now forſakest him, thou lou'd before.

  5. (RQ:King James Version)

  6. (quote-book)|location=(...) Snodham|Thomas Snodham for George Edvvards,(nb...)|year=1617|section=1st book (What Death is in It Selfe)|page=44|pageurl=|oclc=1136715554|passage=He is forſaken of the world, his kinfolk, friends, and acquaintance; his owne members and ſenſes faile him; yea, hee forſaketh (as it were) himſelfe, in that the very vſe of reaſon forſaketh him.

  7. (RQ:Prior Poetical Works)

  8. (RQ:Bailey Dictionary)

  9. (RQ:Cowper Poems)

  10. (quote-journal), Esq.(nb...); from Richard Oastler,(nb...)|location=London|publisher=W. J. Cleaver,(nb...); and John Pavey,(nb...)|date=29 May 1841|volume=I|issue=22|page=172|pageurl=|oclc=1206406608|passage=After having opened the flood-gates to free trade, he &91;(w)&93; discovered his error; but his nerve forsook him, and he could not close the gates.

  11. (RQ:Rihani Khalid)

  12. (quote-song)

  13. (quote-journal)

  14. (quote-av) me, the town forsaked(si) me. I'm completely forsook.(si)

  15. (quote-book)

  16. To decline or refuse (something offered).

  17. (RQ:Dryden Georgics)

  18. To avoid or shun (someone or something).

  19. (RQ:Tusser Good Husbandrie) whose loue for vs so stood, / That on the mount of Caluerie, for vs did shed his blood: / Where hanging on the Crosse, no shame he did forsake, / Till death giuen him by pearcing speare, an ende of life did make.

  20. To cause disappointment to; to be insufficient for (someone or something).

  21. (RQ:Goldsmith History of the Earth)

  22. to up, relinquish

  23. to denounce (the devil)