
suomi-englanti sanakirja

euro englannista suomeksi

  1. euro

  1. euro

  2. vuorikenguru

  3. Substantiivi

  4. Verbi

euro englanniksi

  1. The currency unit of the (w). Symbol:

  2. (syn)

  3. A coin with a value of one euro.

  4. (abbreviation of) in any sense.

  5. (ux)

  6. (taxlink), a wallaroo (macropod species).

  7. wallaroo, euro

  8. (l) (gloss)

  9. euro (q)

  10. euro (gloss)

  11. A euro (gloss)

  12. (l) (gl)

  13. {{quote-journal|fr|date=June 19, 2020|author=|title=Stopper la haine sur Internet|work=Le Monde|url=

  14. euro

  15. (topics) euro (gloss)

  16. (syn of): Eurus (gloss)

  17. (quote-book)

  18. (quote-book)

  19. (syn of): levanter (gloss)

  20. (inflection of)

  21. euro (q) (topics)

  22. (topics) euro

  23. (l)

  24. the euro; the currency

  25. a euro, coin of that currency

  26. to gild