
suomi-englanti sanakirja

drench englannista suomeksi

  1. täyttää

  2. pakkojuottaa

  3. kastella

  4. kastella läpimäräksi

  1. annos

  2. juottaa

  3. kastella (läpimäräksi)">kastella (läpimäräksi)

  4. kastelu

  5. Substantiivi

drench englanniksi

  1. A dose or draught of liquid medicine (especially one causing sleepiness) taken by a person; specifically, a (large) dose, or one forced or poured down the throat.

  2. (RQ:Milton Animadversions)

  3. (RQ:Milton Paradise Lost)

  4. (RQ:R. F. Burton Lake Regions)

  5. (RQ:Robert Browning Ring and Book)

  6. (RQ:Twain Christian Science) I took up the Christian Science book and read half of it, then took a dipperful of drench and read the other half.

  7. A dose or draught of liquid medicine administered to an animal.

  8. (RQ:Shakespeare Henry 4-1 Q1)

  9. (RQ:Pliny Holland Historie of the World)

  10. (RQ:Dryden Georgics)

  11. To cause (someone) to drink; to provide (someone) with a drink.

  12. (coordinate terms)

  13. (RQ:Foote Englishman Return'd)

  14. (quote-journal) W. M‘Dowall,(nb...) and sold by Wheble|John Wheble,(nb...)|month=May|year=1806|volume=28|page=80|pageurl=https://archive.org/details/sportingmagazin11unkngoog/page/n91/mode/1up|column=2|oclc=173729019|passage=But music alone, would not do—Some roast-beef was a necessary article, and some wine, to feed and drench the actors.

  15. (RQ:Scott Marmion)

  16. (quote-journal), Esq.|journal=Register|Cobbett’s Weekly Political Register|location=London|publisher=(...) Curson Hansard|Thomas Curson Hansard,(nb...) for Richard Bagshaw,(nb...)|date=2 November 1809|date_published=4 November 1809|volume=XVI|issue=18|columns=642–643|columnurl=https://archive.org/details/cobbettspolitic10cobbgoog/page/n336/mode/1up|oclc=1013264609|passage=If the people felt themselves so happy; if they had enjoyed, and were enjoying, ''such prosperity as to call for a Jubilee'', they would, of course, rejoice, they would sing and dance and shout, without being fed and drenched by way of hire to sing, dance, and shout.

  17. (quote-book)|location=London|publisher=(w),(nb...)|year=1921|page=35|pageurl=https://archive.org/details/tophetedenhellpa00immaiala/page/35/mode/1up|oclc=1283383179|passage=Strange that such a cursing wretch should not have laid to heart, that those God's hand will sure undo, who cause their parents wounded heart to smart, whose blood and marrow fed and drenched them, and of whom they form a part.

  18. To administer a dose or draught of liquid medicine to (an animal), often by force.

  19. (senseid) To make (someone or something) completely wet by having water or some other liquid fall or thrown on them or it; to saturate, to soak; also , to make (someone or something) completely wet by immersing in water or some other liquid; to soak, to steep.

  20. (synonyms)

  21. (RQ:Shakespeare Tempest)

  22. (RQ:Hall Olive-Tree)

  23. (RQ:Dryden Pastorals)

  24. (RQ:John Gay Trivia)

  25. (RQ:Young Busiris)

  26. (RQ:Lucretius Good Nature of Things)|footer=A version of Psalm 65:9–10 from the Bible.

  27. (RQ:Tennyson Poems 1833)

  28. (quote-book)|location=New York, N.Y.|publisher=Oscar Houghton|Hurd and Houghton,(nb...)|date=24 September 1858|year_published=1867|volume=II|page=53|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=F7zW42tvEMwC&pg=PA53|oclc=3806667|passage=War! thy wild chariot rolls o'er piles of the slain, / Thou drenchest empires in thy crimson rain!

  29. (quote-book)|location=London|publisher=Kegan Paul|Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co.; New York, N.Y.: P. Dutton|Edward Payson Dutton & Co.|year=1917|section=note 5|page=33|pageurl=https://archive.org/details/russianpoetryrea00seme/page/33/mode/1up|oclc=29557600|passage=Thou re-echoedst a mysterious roar, and drenchedst the thirsty earth with rain.|footer=(small)’s poem “(lang)” (“The Cloud”).

  30. To drown (someone).

  31. (RQ:Spenser Faerie Queene)

  32. (RQ:Ovid Sandys Metamorphosis)

  33. To overwhelm (someone); to drown, to engulf.

  34. To be drowned; also, to be immersed in water.

  35. (RQ:Surrey et al Songes)

  36. An act of making someone or something completely wet; a soak or soaking, a wetting.

  37. (RQ:Robert Browning Christmas-Eve)

  38. An amount of water or some other liquid that will make someone or something completely wet.

  39. (alternative form of)