
suomi-englanti sanakirja

dodo englannista suomeksi

  1. muumio

  2. drontti, dodo

  1. drontti, dodo

  2. fossiili

  3. Substantiivi

  4. Verbi

dodo englanniksi

  1. A large, flightless bird, †(taxfmt), related to the pigeon, that is now extinct (since the 1600s) and was native to Mauritius.

  2. (RQ:Lyell Principles)

  3. (quote-book)

  4. A person or organisation which is very old or has very old-fashioned views or is not willing to change and adapt.

  5. A in one.

  6. {{quote-book|en|year=2012|author=Arv Olson|title=Backspin: 120 Years of Golf in British Columbia|page=253

  7. Fried plantain.

  8. (l) ((taxfmt))

  9. (topics) dodo, †(taxfmt)

  10. (syn)

  11. Sleep, night.

  12. (ux)

  13. dodo

  14. dodo (gloss)

  15. dodo, †(taxfmt) (gloss)

  16. solitaire (gloss), more specifically (vern), †(taxlink) and (vern), †(taxlink)

  17. sleep, kip

  18. (uxi)

  19. a dodo bird

  20. (l)

  21. dodo bird

  22. to sleep (childish)

  23. Fried plantain.

  24. (quote-journal)

  25. dead person

  26. to sleep

  27. breast (gloss)

  28. (alt form)

  29. the (vern), (taxfmt)

  30. the (vern) or parrotsnake, (taxlink)

  31. being deeply or richly red

  32. {{quote-book|yo|publisher=Biblica, Inc|title=Bíbélì Mímọ́ Yorùbá Òde Òn|chapter=Gẹnẹsisi 49|

  33. Fried plantain

  34. (taxlink)

  35. The poison devil's-pepper, (taxlink)

  36. to become or be transformed into a river or stream

  37. The plants (taxlink) and (taxlink).

  38. to arrive at a river or stream