
suomi-englanti sanakirja

depose englannista suomeksi

  1. antaa valaehtoinen todistus

  2. panna viralta

  1. Verbi

  2. suistaa vallasta">suistaa vallasta

depose englanniksi

  1. To put down; to down; to deposit; to lay aside; to put away.

  2. (RQ:Woodward Natural History)

  3. To remove (a leader) from (high) office, without killing the incumbent.

  4. ''A deposed monarch may go into exile as pretender to the lost throne, hoping to be restored in a subsequent revolution.''

  5. (RQ:Prynne Soveraigne Power)

  6. To give evidence or testimony, especially in response to interrogation during a deposition

  7. To interrogate and elicit testimony from during a deposition; typically done by a lawyer.

  8. ''After we deposed the claimant we had enough evidence to avoid a trial.''

  9. (RQ:Shakespeare Richard 2)

  10. To take or swear an oath.

  11. To testify; to witness; to claim; to assert; to affirm.

  12. {{quote-text|en|year=c. 1598|author=Francis Bacon|title=The Office of Compositions for Alienations

  13. since, from that time, thence, thenceforth

  14. (inflection of)