
suomi-englanti sanakirja

crumble englannista suomeksi

  1. murentua

  1. Verbi

  2. murentua, murtua

  3. murentaa, murentua, murustaa

  4. Substantiivi

crumble englanniksi

  1. (senseid) To apart; to disintegrate.

  2. (cot)


  3. (quote-song)

  4. (quote-journal)|title=Just One More Game ...|journal=The New York Times Magazine|url=|passage=In 1989, as communism was beginning to crumble across Eastern Europe, just a few months before protesters started pecking away at the Berlin Wall, the Japanese game-making giant Nintendo reached across the world to unleash upon America its own version of freedom.

  5. (senseid) To break into crumbs.

  6. (senseid) To mix (ingredients such as flour and butter) in such a way as to form crumbs.

  7. (senseid) A dessert of British origin containing stewed fruit topped with a crumbly mixture of fat, flour, and sugar.

  8. (syn)

  9. crumble (gl)

  10. (l)