
suomi-englanti sanakirja

corrente englanniksi

  1. current

  2. 1417, Á. Rodríguez González (ed.), ''Libro do Concello de Santiago (1416-1422)''. Santiago de Compostela: Consello da Cultura Galega, page 55:

  3. {{quote|gl|''este anno corrente''
  4. usual, common

  5. {{quote-text|gl|year=1428|editor=M. Mar Graña Cid|title=Las órdenes mendicantes en el obispado de Mondoñedo. El convento de san Martín de Villaoriente (1374-1500)|page=317

  6. running

  7. {{quote-book|gl|year=1421|editors=M. Lucas Álvarez; P. Lucas Domínguez|title=El priorato benedictino de San Vicenzo de Pombeiro y su colección diplomática en la Edad Media|location=Sada / A Coruña|publisher=Ediciós do Castro|page=158

  8. current, flow, stream

  9. running (of water)

  10. current, valid (in use)

  11. ordinary

  12. current (water, electricity)

  13. airstream, draught/draft

  14. trend

  15. faction, tendency (political)

  16. batten

  17. stringer

  18. bar (athletics)

  19. (present participle of)

  20. current; flow

  21. current

  22. chain

  23. (syn)

  24. tendency

  25. an e-mail or message, usually containing a hoax or legend, which persuades the recipient to share it to other people, consequently making it widespread

  26. the usual