
suomi-englanti sanakirja

corde englanniksi

  1. rope (general)

  2. chord

  3. chord (of a string instrument)

  4. chord (vocal chord)

  5. line (washing line, for hanging clothes to dry)

  6. (inflection of)

  7. heart

  8. hearts (a suit of cards, )

  9. (monikko) it|corda

  10. A long, thick length of fibre (often intertwined):

  11. One of the strings of a instrument.

  12. A sinew or the muscular material one is made out of.

  13. A division of inherited property or goods.

  14. A nerve; a cable of bundled neurons.

  15. A method to torment captives using a cord.

  16. A whip made of multiple cords.

  17. rope

  18. string, rope, line