
suomi-englanti sanakirja

cod englannista suomeksi

  1. turska

  2. puliveivata, jallittaa, petkuttaa, vetää välistä, tehdä oharit

  3. pilkata

  4. jälkivaatimuksella

  5. kota

  1. kuori

  2. turska|m

  3. teko / teko-

  4. Substantiivi

cod englanniksi

  1. COD

  1. A small bag or pouch.

  2. (quote-book)

  3. A husk or integument; a pod.

  4. (RQ:Tyndale NT)

  5. (RQ:Mortimer Husbandry)haped

  6. The cocoon of a silkworm.

  7. (quote-journal)

  8. The scrotum (also in plural).

  9. (quote-book) are not the same to be termed testicles or stones; for these cods or follicles are found in both sexes, though somewhat more protuberant in the male.

  10. A pillow or cushion.

  11. (quote-book) Nov., 1640, a petticoat (''parvacidam'') value 4s., two children's coats value 2s., a feather bed cod value 2s., the property of Richard Bradley.|editor=John Lister|origdate=a.1642

  12. An cod ((taxfmt)).

  13. (1) of the genus (taxfmt) generally, inclusive of (vern) ((taxlink)) and cod ((taxlink) or (taxlink)).

  14. (1) of the family (taxfmt) which are sold as "cod", as haddock ((taxfmt)) and whiting (usually (taxfmt)).

  15. Other not closely related fish which are similarly important to regional fisheries, as the hapuku and cod.

  16. Other not closely related fish which resemble the cod, as the cod ((taxlink)) and cod ((taxlink)).

  17. The meat of any of the above fish.

  18. A joke or an imitation.

  19. (ux)

  20. A stupid or foolish person.

  21. (senseid) Having the character of imitation; jocular.

  22. (syn)


  23. (quote-journal) the director's vision has devolved from cod Orwell to riffing off bad girl art comic books and generally feeble posing.|month=July|volume=16

  24. (quote-journal)”. For those who are not, it is a cod-medieval online game in which goblins and trolls, warriors and wizards, and so on act out the fantasies of some 9m players who spend the rest of their lives in the alternative world of paper and pay-packets.

  25. (quote-web)

  26. Bad.

  27. (ant)

  28. (quote-av)

  29. To attempt to deceive or confuse; to kid.

  30. To joke; to kid

  31. rough, coarse (q)

  32. (senseid) A seedpod; a plant's natural casing for its seeds.

  33. A scrotum, ballsack; a case for the testicles.

  34. A pillow or cushion; a piece of cushioning.

  35. A sack or pouch; a case for items.

  36. The gullet, windpipe or esophagus.

  37. The chest or stomach region.

  38. A bearing; a metal ball acting to cushion.

  39. (senseid) (ll), codfish

  40. code

  41. (l)

  42. A pillow or cushion.

  43. A seedpod; a plant's natural casing for its seeds.