suomi-englanti sanakirjacarrier englannista suomeksi
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kuljetusliike, kuljetusyritys, kuljetustoimisto
tukialus, lentotukialus
carrier englanniksi
A person or object that carries someone or something else.
(RQ:Bacon Sylva Sylvarum) a carrier of the sounds.
(ellipsis of)
(quote-book)|author2=(w)| title=The Last Man on the Moon: Astronaut Eugene Cernan and America's Race in Space|edition=1st|location=New York|publisher=(w)|isbn=0312199066|lccn=98048206|page=29|pageurl=|passage=Two weeks later, I reported to Pensacola, Florida, for duty aboard CV-48, the ''USS Saipan'', a boxy old carrier the Navy retired from fleet duty and reassigned for use in training.
A starship designed to carry starfighters
(quote-book)| title=(w)|edition=1st|location=New York|publisher=(w)|isbn=0-385-24950-0|lccn=89037438|oclc=20093277|page=114|pageurl=|passage=And each was hideously powerful: an attack carrier could destroy a world, a force of cruisers and spinship destroyers could destroy a sun.
(quote-video game)|actor=Jen Taylor|level=Cairo Station|passage=The first carrier completely ignored us, sir! Blew through the ''Malta''’s debris field and headed straight for Earth!
(quote-video game)|location=Redwood City|publisher=Electronic Arts|year=2008|system=PC|scene=Starships: Carriers Codex entry|isbn=9780784546642|oclc=246633669|passage=In fleet combat, carriers stay clear of battle, launching fighters bearing disruptor torpedoes. Fighters are the primary striking power of the ship; if a carrier enters mass accelerator range of the enemy, things have gone very wrong.It is possible to recover and rearm fighters during combat, though most carriers seal the flight deck and try to stay out of the way. The flight deck is essentially a corridor through the armor and into the heart of the vessel. A single well-placed torpedo is enough to gut a carrier.Alliance carriers are named after great leaders, artists, and intellectuals from human history.
A pigeon.
A person or company in the business of shipping freight.
{{quote-text|en|year=1727|author=Jonathan Swift|title=Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift/Volume 9/A Short View of the State of Ireland|A Short View of the State of Ireland
A signal such as radio, sound, or light that is modulated to transmit information.
A mobile network operator; carrier.
A certified airline.
{{quote-journal|en|date=Dec 22 2013|author=Jad Mouawad; Martha C. White|title=|titleurl=|journal=New York Times|accessdate=23 December 2013
A piece which communicates to an object in a lathe the motion of the faceplate; a lathe dog.
A movable piece in magazine guns which transfers the cartridge to a position from which it can be thrust into the barrel.
A movable piece in a gear train.
Part of a gear assembly that holds gears and their bearings.
A catalyst or other intermediary in a chemical reaction.
A person or other organism that has a genetic trait, mutation or infection liable to cause a disease, but displays no symptoms.
A carrier.