
suomi-englanti sanakirja

broadside englannista suomeksi

  1. kylkeä vasten

  2. kyljittäin

  3. juliste

  4. taklata

  5. täyslaidallinen

  6. kylki

  7. ankara arvostelu

  1. Substantiivi

  2. täyslaidallinen guns or their firing

  3. täyslaidallinen

  4. arkkiveisu

  5. sivuittain, kyljittäin

  6. Verbi

broadside englanniksi

  1. One side of a ship above the water line; all the guns on one side of a warship; their simultaneous firing.

  2. (quote-video game)|actor=Robert Davi|level=The Ark|passage=Broadside! What fools to face our guns!

  3. A forceful attack, be it written or spoken.

  4. 1993, (w), ''American Slavery'' (Penguin History, paperback edition, 34)

  5. Although slaveholders managed - through a combination of political compromise and ideological broadside - to contain the threat of a major anti-slavery compaign by fellow Southerners, planters could never be totally sure of non-slaveholders' loyalty to the social order.
  6. {{quote-journal|en|date=3 January 2013|author=Luke Harding; Uki Goni|journal=The Guardian|url=

  7. (quote-journal)

  8. A large sheet of paper, printed on one side and folded.

  9. The printed lyrics of a song or ballad; a broadsheet.

  10. Sideways; with the side turned to the direction of some object.

  11. 1977-1980, Sullivan|Lou Sullivan, personal diary, quoted in 2019, Ellis Martin, Zach Ozma (editors), ''We Both Laughed In Pleasure''

  12. They were going some 60-80 mph a motorcycle down a 30 mph street, hit a car broadside & Pat pushed against Bert, who was crushed into the side of the car.
  13. To collide with something side-on.