
suomi-englanti sanakirja

bringa englanniksi

  1. to bring, to fetch, to take, to convey, to bear

  2. to bring, to lead, to guide, to accompany

  3. to cause (someone) to have (something); to cause (something) to exist for the benefit, or to the detriment, of (someone); to cause (something) to be a part of (something)

  4. , (m), (m) and nominalized verb|or with (m) and (m) infinitive or (m) clause|or with (m) as a demonstrative to get, to cause (someone to do something)

  5. or (m) to accomplish; to yield

  6. to deliver; to perform well

  7. + reflexive pronoun to over with

  8. (ngd)

  9. (uxi)

  10. breast, chest

  11. twig of osier

  12. wood sheet used in the elaboration of baskets

  13. bike

  14. (syn)

  15. (infl of)

  16. (nn-former)

  17. (alt form)

  18. chest, brisket

  19. to fight

  20. a breast, a chest; chiefly if wide

  21. meat from the chest part of an animal

  22. to bring; to transport toward someone else

  23. 1865, (w), translation of 1843 (w) ''(known in English as O Holy Night)''.

  24. (quote)
  25. to get someone to do something