
suomi-englanti sanakirja

basic englannista suomeksi

  1. perimmäinen, perustava, olennainen

  2. yksinkertainen, vaatimaton, alkeellinen

  3. perustarvike, perushyödyke, peruselintarvike

  4. alkalinen, emäksinen

  5. perus-

  1. olennainen, perus-, perustavanlaatuinen

  2. vaatimaton, yksinkertainen, alkeellinen

  3. emäksinen, alkalinen

  4. Substantiivi

  5. perustarvike good, peruselintarvike food

  6. perusta; perusteet (monikko) , perustiedot (monikko)

basic englanniksi

  1. BASIC

  1. Necessary, essential for life or some process.

  2. (ux)

  3. {{quote-journal|en|journal=Time|title=There’s a Food Pantry at the Coast Guard Academy. How the Shutdown Is Causing Special Pain for Service Members|author=Tara Law|date=January 24 2019

  4. (quote-journal)

  5. Elementary, simple, fundamental, merely functional.

  6. Of or pertaining to a base; having a pH greater than 7.

  7. Unremarkable or uninteresting; boring; uncool.

  8. 2013, Sam Stryker, "Why Does Everyone Hate Anne Hathaway?", ''The Observer'' (University of Notre Dame and Saint Mary's College), Volume 46, Issue 101, 1 March 2013, page 11:

  9. I'm not saying people are jealous of Hathaway because she is so perfect. Yes, she does have it all — husband, healthy career, good looks. But she doesn't do anything in an "awesome" way. She's basic.
  10. {{quote-journal|en|date=3 February 2014|author=Trevor Thrall|titleurl=|title=Firing Line: Rowling says ‘JK,’ Ron and Hermione not meant to be|journal=The Daily Campus|publisher=Southern Methodist University|volume=99|issue=54|page=4

  11. 2015, Lily Kunda, "A New Track On Hip-Hipocrisy", ''The Marlin Chronicle'' (Virginia Wesleyan College), 26 February 2015, page 7:

  12. "I couldn't get into it, I could barely understand what he's saying – it had too much cursing and explicit language," said Cortnee Brandon. "I think his lyrics are easy...he's basic. Kendrick Lamar is kind of overrated."
  13. (quote-book)

  14. A necessary commodity, a staple requirement.

  15. ''Rice is a basic for many Asian villagers.''

  16. An elementary block, e.g. a fundamental piece of knowledge.

  17. training|Basic training.

  18. (quote-video game)|actor=David Scully|level=The Armory|passage=When I shipped out for basic, the Orbital Defense Grid was all theory and politics.

  19. (usex)

  20. BASIC

  21. (l)