suomi-englanti sanakirja

SP englanniksi

  1. price|Starting price.

  2. {{quote-book|en|year=1985|author=Peter Carey|title=Illywhacker|publisher=Faber and Faber|year_published=2003|page=157

  3. {{quote-text|en|year=1998|author=David Malouf|title=A First Place|page=196|publisher=Vintage|year_published=2015

  4. price|Selling price

  5. patrol|Shore patrol

  6. police

  7. play|Slow play

  8. pack

  9. synonym of or alternative to MP/points, especially for games that lack magic or fantasy elements. Common examples of meanings of the abbreviation include but are not limited to: skill point, special point, spirit point, and spell point.

  10. (abbreviation of)

  11. (initialism of)

  12. P

  13. State Park

  14. Spur

  15. Short Program

  16. (initialism of) (place).

  17. (initialism of); the Party (Netherlands)|Socialist Party, a left-wing democratic socialist party in the Netherlands.

  18. (initialism of)

  19. (abbreviation of)

  20. bodyguard

  21. simulated patient

  22. (initialism of) a Brazilian state

  23. (initialism of) (gloss).