
suomi-englanti sanakirja

democratic englannista suomeksi

  1. demokraattinen

  2. kansan-

  1. demokraattinen

  2. Substantiivi

democratic englanniksi

  1. Democratic

  1. Pertaining to democracy; constructed upon or line with the principle of government chosen by the people.

  2. (synonyms)



  3. (quote-book) DŌRON. Or His Maiesties Instrvctions to His Dearest Sonne, Frederick, Prince of Wales|Henry the Prince|location=London|publisher=(...) Felix Kyngston, for Iohn Norton,(nb...)|year=1599|year_published=1603|pages=39–40|pageurl=|oclc=913285353|passage=Some firie ſpirited men in the Miniſterie, got ſuch a guiding of the people at that time of confuſion, as finding the guſte of gouernment ſweete, they begouth to fantaſie to themſelues, a Democratick forme of gouernment: (..) and after vſurping the libertie of the time in my long minoritie, ſetled themſelues ſo faſt vpon that imagined Democracie, as they fed themſelues with the hope to become ''Trbuni plebis'': and ſo in a populare gouernment by leading the people by the noſe, to beare the ſway of all the rule.

  4. (quote-book)|location=London|publisher=(...) T. C. for Crooke and William Cooke|Andrew Crook,(nb...)|year=1658|page=82|pageurl=|oclc=1121349784|passage=Which government in its due conſtitution no Chriſtian or reformed Church, (not wholly under a democratick or popular ſpirit) yea no one eminent reformed Divine but did highly approve and deſire the happineſs to enjoy, as hath been made evident by their writings.

  5. (quote-book)|location=London|publisher=&91;(glossary)&93;|year=1668|page=2|pageurl=|oclc=503842759|passage=Others avouch plainly the Democratick Principles, That ''Government riſes from the People's Conſent, and is radically founded in them''; (..)

  6. (quote-book) G. Kearsly,(nb...)|month=(erroneously indicated as 1677)|year=1777|page=13|pageurl=|oclc=752590105|passage=There, fann’d by me, lewd Faction’s quick’ning flame / Inſpires my duteous Children to defame / Thoſe Laws of Freedom which ſo long have ſtood, / Fix’d in the cement of ''Britannia''’s blood. / There, my ſubverting Delegates diſplay / The madding pride of Democratic ſway.

  7. (RQ:Federalist)

  8. (RQ:Burke Whigs) Whenever, in ſtates which have had a democratick baſis, they have endeavoured to put reſtraints upon ambition, their methods were as violent, as in the end they were ineffectual; as violent indeed as any the moſt jealous deſpotiſm could invent.

  9. (quote-book)|location=Boston, Mass.|publisher=T. B. Wait & Co.(nb...)|year=1809|page=xxiv|pageurl=|oclc=625264172|passage=The division of the legislature into two branches and their diverse origin, the long duration of office in one branch, the distinct power of the executive, the independence and permanency of the judiciary are designed to balance and check the democratick tendencies of our polity.

  10. (quote-book) For Pinnock|Pinnock and Maunder|Maunder, Mentorian Press,(nb...); by C. Green,(nb...)|year=1817–1820|page=44|pageurl=|oclc=32379551|passage=Q. Who liberated Athens from the power of Sparta? / A. Thrasybulus|''Thrasy''''b''''ulus'', having expelled the usurpers, established the ''democratic'' government, B.C. 401.

  11. (quote-book)|location=New York, N.Y.|publisher=(publisher)|Harper & Brothers,(nb...)|year=1835|section=paragraph 10|page=473|pageurl=|oclc=669396963|passage=In the United States, the federal and democratick parties divided the country till the termination of the last war.

  12. (quote-book)

  13. (quote-video game)|location=Redwood City|publisher=Electronic Arts|year=2008|genre=fiction|Science Fiction|system=PC|scene=(w)|isbn=9780784546642|oclc=246633669|passage=Shepard: You have the right to your opinion, Mr. Saracino. But with all due respect, I disagree with it.Charles Saracino: I understand. I'm glad you support the democratic process, at least.

  14. (quote-journal)

  15. (seemoreCites)

  16. Exhibiting social equality; egalitarian.

  17. (RQ:Hough Purchase Price) Even such a boat as the ''Mount Vernon'' offered a total deck space so cramped as to leave secrecy or privacy well out of the question, even had the motley and democratic assemblage of passengers been disposed to accord either.

  18. (alternative case form of)

  19. (synonym of) as opposed to the aristocrats in Revolutionary France)

  20. (quote-journal)|journal=Collections of the Connecticut Historical Society|location=Hartford, Conn.|publisher=(...) Historical Society|Connecticut Historical Society|year=1692|year_published=1895|volume=III|page=195|pageurl=|oclc=17881052|passage=This kingly government (as some call it) is a thing that our democraticks cannot brook: we are an undone people if we do not down with that.

  21. (quote-book). to the Throne of England, down to the Present Time;(nb...)|location=London|publisher=(...) J. Burd,(nb...)|year=1760|volume=III|page=440|pageurl=|oclc=|passage=(..) Fairfax|Thomas Fairfax was made general of all the forces both in England and Ireland; and Rainsbrough ''i.e.'', (w), a leveller, and a violent head of the democraticks, high-admiral.

  22. (quote-journal) B. C. Hoffman|date=10 October 1789|volume=XI|issue=41|page=39|pageurl=|oclc=42391447|passage=Several circumſtances have concurred to confirm the belief that this wretched lunatick was the identical Marquis de Brunoy, who had been buried in the gloom of a priſon for nine years, whilſt the world thought him dead. The mad democraticks began to ſpread reports that the Count de Provence was privy to this tranſaction; and that it was this Prince who had obtained the ''Lettre de Cachet'', by virtue of which this wretched man had been ſo long deprived of the light of heaven.

  23. (quote-book)|location=London|publisher=(...) Robert Wilks,(nb...)|year=1811|page=412|pageurl=|oclc=976724807|passage=For that equality among the multitude which democratics explore, is not only just among those of a similar rank but is advantageous.

  24. (quote-book)|location=London|publisher=Bell & Sons|George Bell and Sons,(nb...)|year=1881|volume=II|page=296|pageurl=|oclc=1027250921|passage=He &91;(w)&93; now destroyed the democratics and popular constitutions in all the Greek cities which had been subject to Athens, placing a Lacedæmonian in each as harmost or governor, with a council of ten archons under him, composed of men selected from the political clubs which he had established.

  25. (monikko) lld|democratich

  26. (l)