


  1. muuttaa (säädöstä)

  2. korjata

  3. vanhentunut|k=en parantaa, parantua

Esimerkkejä amend sanan käytöstä:

The Marriage Act was 'amended'.

:Avioliittolakia 'muutettiin'.

Putin asks court if he can 'amend' constitution to run again for president (

Liittyvät sanat: amendment



  1. helpottaa, huojentaa, lieventää, lievittää, auttaa, olla avuksi, uudistaa, kehittää, parantaa, rikastuttaa, rikastaa, kohentaa, korjata, jalostaa.

Lisää synonyymejää



muuttaa, oikaista

korjata puhekieltä To make better.
1594, (w), (w),

Mud not the fountain that gave drink to thee;
Mar not the thing that cannot be amended.
1820, (w), (w), Chapter 13,
We shall cheer her sorrows, and amend her blood, by wedding her to a Norman.
puhekieltä To become better.
puhekieltä To heal (someone sick); to cure (a disease etc.).
1590, (w), (w), III.x:
But Paridell complaynd, that his late fight / With Britomart, so sore did him offend, / That ryde he could not, till his hurts he did amend.
(RQ:RBrtn AntmyMlncl), II.2.6.ii:
he gave her a vomit, and conveyed a serpent, such as she conceived, into the basin; upon the sight of it she was amended.
puhekieltä To be healed, to be cured, to recover (from an illness).
c. 1605, (w), (w), Act IV, Scene 3,
Ay, sir; there are a crew of wretched souls
That stay his cure: their malady convinces
The great assay of art; but at his touch—
Such sanctity hath heaven given his hand—
They presently amend.
puhekieltä To make a formal alteration (in legislation, a report, etc.) by adding, deleting, or rephrasing.
1876, (w), (w), Chicago: S.C. Griggs & Co., Article III, Section 23, p. 46,
The following motions cannot be amended:
1990, w:Doug Hoyle, Baron Hoyle|Doug Hoyle, (w), Trade Union Act, 1984, Amendment no. 2, 4 July, 1990,
It is necessary to amend the Act to preserve the spirit in which it was first passed into law (..)
ranska revoir
saksa revidieren
unkari felülbírál, felülvizsgál
italia rivedere
venäjä пересма́тривать impf, пересмотре́тьf, переде́лывать impf, переде́латьf


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polterabend, jugend, boyfriend

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