


  1. muutos (parantamiseksi, virheiden poistamiseksi)

  2. oikeustiede muutos; lisäys (säädökseen) (ks. huomautukset)

Esimerkkejä amendment sanan käytöstä:

the 'amendments' to the Finnish Marriage Act

:Suomen avioliittolain 'muutokset'

the First 'Amendment' to the United States Constitution

:Yhdysvaltain perustuslain ensimmäinen 'lisäys'



  1. korjaaminen, oikaisu, korjaus, lisäys, lausunto, muutos, ensimmäinen lisäys, viides lisäys, neljästoista lisäys.

Lisää synonyymejää



lisäys, muutos

oikaisu, korjaus An alteration or change for the better; correction of a fault or of faults; reformation of life by quitting vices.
In public bodies; Any alteration made or proposed to be made in a bill or motion that adds, changes, substitutes, or omits.
2014, Ian Black, " Courts kept busy as Jordan works to crush support for Isis", The Guardian, 27 November 2014:

Arrests and prosecutions intensified after Isis captured Mosul in June, but the groundwork had been laid by an earlier amendment to Jordan’s anti-terrorism law. It is estimated that 2,000 Jordanians have fought and 250 of them have died in Syria – making them the third largest Arab contingent in Isis after Saudi Arabians and Tunisians.
puhekieltä Correction of an error in a writ or process.
An addition to and/or alteration to the Constitution.

The First Amendment guarantees freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition.

The Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution abolished slavery.

That which is added; that which is used to increase or supplement something.

a soil amendment


amendment rimmaa näiden kanssa:

management, understatement, establishment

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