
suomi-englanti sanakirja

way englannista suomeksi

  1. paljon

  2. mitä tulee

  3. tie

  4. osa

  5. asioiden laita

  6. matka

  7. konsti

  8. tapa

  9. valinta

  10. suunta

  1. tie, matka

  2. tie, reitti; kautta adverb

  3. tienoo

  4. tapa

  5. kunto, tila

  6. mahdollisuus

  7. tahto

  8. usko

  9. vauhti

  10. tapa, mieli

  11. hyvä tapa">hyvä tapa

  12. ramppi, veneluiska

  13. johde

  14. Verbi

  15. Substantiivi

way englanniksi

  1. ''To do with a place or places.''

  2. A road, a direction, a (physical or conceptual) path from one place to another.

  3. (ux)(nowrap)(nowrap)

  4. (RQ:Milton Paradise Lost)

  5. (RQ:Evelyn Diary)

  6. (RQ:Churchill Celebrity)

  7. (RQ:Lincoln Pratt's Patients)

  8. "It's a long way to Tipperary, / it's a long way to go." ''It’s a Long Way to Tipperary'', a marching and music hall song by Jack Judge and Henry "Harry" James Williams, popularized especially by British troops in World War One

  9. "Do you know the way to San Jose?" You Know the Way to San Jose|song title and lyrics, Bacharach|Bacharach and David|David

  10. (quote-journal)For each one there is a frighteningly precise measurement of just how likely it is to jump from the shadows and get you. “The Norm Chronicles”(..)aims to help data-phobes find their way through this blizzard of risks.

  11. A means to enter or leave a place.

  12. (ux)

  13. (RQ:Allingham China Governess)

  14. A roughly-defined geographical area.

  15. (senseid) A method or manner of doing something; a mannerism.

  16. {{quote-book|en|year=1913|author=Barr (writer)|Robert Barr

  17. (RQ:Maxwell Mirror and the Lamp); and the way she laughed, cackling like a hen, the way she talked to the waiters and the maid,(nb..)—all these unexpected phenomena impelled one to hysterical mirth, and made one class her with such immortally ludicrous types as Ally Sloper, the Widow Twankey, or Miss Moucher.

  18. (quote-book)his lordship was out of humour. That was the way Chollacombe described as knaggy an old gager as ever Charles had had the ill-fortune to serve. Stiff-rumped, that's what he was, always rubbing the rust, or riding grub, like he had been for months past.

  19. (quote-journal)

  20. A set of values and customs associated with and seen as central to the identity of a group of people.

  21. (quote-web)

  22. A state or condition

  23. ''When I returned home, I found my house and belongings in a most terrible way.''

  24. ''Personal interaction.''

  25. Possibility (usually in the phrases 'any way' and 'no way').

  26. Determined course; resolved mode of action or conduct.

  27. A tradition within the modern pagan faith of Heathenry, dedication to a specific deity or craft, Way of wyrd, Way of runes, Way of Thor etc.

  28. To walk the Way of the Runes, you must experience the runes as they manifest both in the part of Midgard that lies outside yourself and the worlds within. (Diana Paxson)

  29. Speed, progress, momentum.

  30. (RQ:Dickens Little Dorrit)

  31. {{quote-text|en|year=1977|author=Richard O'Kane|title=Clear the Bridge: The War Patrols of the U.S.S. Tang|page=343|publisher=Ballantine Books|year_published=2003

  32. A degree, an amount, a sense.

  33. (non-gloss definition)

  34. (quote-book)

  35. The timbers of shipyard stocks that slope into the water and along which a ship or large boat is launched.

  36. The longitudinal guiding surfaces on the bed of a planer, lathe, etc. along which a table or carriage moves.

  37. yes; it is true; it is possible

  38. (synonyms)

  39. {{quote-text|en|year=1992|title=Wayne's World (film)

  40. To travel.

  41. {{quote-text|en|year=1596|author=Edmund Spenser|title=The Faerie Queene|section=IV.ii

  42. 1919, (w), "Japanese Statesman on Christian Missions", ''The Missionary Review'', Volume 42, p. 660

  43. (w) says, “The Name that can be named is not the Eternal Name. The Way that can be wayed, is not the Eternal Way.” Infinite wisdom is beyond the human power to understand.
  44. Much.

  45. ''I'm way too tired to do that.''

    ''I'm a way better singer than Emma.''

  46. {{quote-journal|en|year=2006|journal=Magazine|Keyboard|volume=32|issue=1-6|pageurl=http://books.google.com.au/books?id=pQ09AQAAIAAJ&q=%22way+more%22&dq=%22way+more%22&hl=en&ei=eNuwTbjcHpGivQPolsScBw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=92&ved=0CO8DEOgBMFs|page=132

  47. Very.

  48. ''I'm way tired.''

    ''String theory is way cool, except for the math.''

  49. {{quote-book|en|year=2005|author=Erika V. Shearin Karres|title=Crushes, Flirts, & Friends: A Real Girl's Guide to Boy Smarts|pageurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20120514032209/http://books.google.com.au/books?id=eTCA2BSqlNkC&pg=PA16&dq=%22way+cool%22&hl=en&ei=09awTYO6HYaSuAOC8vyVBw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=52&ved=0CLICEOgBMDMv=onepage&q=%22way%20cool%22&f=false|page=16

  50. Far.

  51. Extreme, far

  52. The letter for the (m) sound in shorthand.

  53. (inflection of)

  54. never

  55. time, instance

  56. water

  57. (pronunciation spelling of)

  58. to sleep

  59. to transform

  60. (l)

  61. to milk

  62. water (gloss)

  63. house

  64. ''exclamation''

  65. (alt sp)

  66. (Latn-def-lite) ''in the (w).''

  67. (syn)

  68. tortilla

  69. female