
suomi-englanti sanakirja

tila englanniksi

  1. room

  2. condition

  3. stead

  4. seigneury

  5. mode

  6. bay

  7. space

  8. well

  9. state of the art

  10. hacienda

  11. stigmatism

  12. state

  13. farm

  14. subservience

  15. property

  16. facility

  17. estate

  18. status

  1. gold

  2. (syn)

  3. to lick

  4. space, volume (gloss)

  5. space (gloss)

  6. room, space (gloss)

  7. stead (gloss)

  8. (ux)

  9. (ellipsis of)

  10. tract (gloss), carried out within by a public entity

  11. state (gloss)

  12. condition (gloss)

  13. mode, state (gloss)

  14. area, space

  15. (RQ:izh:Loonnontiito-2:1937)

  16. farm, farmstead

  17. position (gl)

  18. bedding (gl)

  19. cloth, linen

  20. to varnish

  21. loss

  22. to lose

  23. sesame seed

  24. sesame

  25. mouse

  26. linden flower

  27. linden flower tea

  28. linden (gloss)

  29. it seems like; it appears that

  30. momentary stopping of rain

  31. time or period of the momentary stopping of rain

  32. not raining momentarily

  33. not falling momentarily (gl)

  34. a (vern)

  35. bed

  36. area, place

  37. site (gloss)