
suomi-englanti sanakirja

road englannista suomeksi

  1. tie

  1. Substantiivi

  2. tie, maantie

  3. tie, matkalla on the road

  4. matkalla on the way/road, kulkureitti

road englanniksi

  1. A way used for travelling between places, originally one wide enough to allow foot passengers and horses to travel, now (US) usually one surfaced with asphalt or concrete and designed to accommodate many vehicles travelling in both directions. In the UK both senses are heard: a country road is the same as a country lane. (defdate)

  2. {{quote-book|en|year=1852|author=Mrs M.A. Thompson|chapter=The Tutor's Daughter|title=Graham's American Monthly Magazine of Literature, Art, and Fashion|page=266|url=

  3. (RQ:Lincoln Pratt's Patients)

  4. Roads in general as a means of travel, especially by vehicle.

  5. (ux)

  6. A physical way or route.

  7. (RQ:Dickens Little Dorrit)

  8. (RQ:Lindsay Redheap)

  9. A path chosen, as in life or career. (defdate)

  10. {{quote-text|en|year=1964|author=Ronald Reagan|title=A Time for Choosing

  11. {{quote-journal|en|date=September 7, 2012|author=Phil McNulty|work=BBC Sport

  12. An underground tunnel in a mine. (defdate)

  13. A railway or a single railway track. (defdate)

  14. (quote-journal)

  15. The act of riding on horseback. (defdate)

  16. A hostile ride against a particular area; a raid. (defdate)

  17. A partly sheltered area of water near a shore in which vessels may ride at anchor; a roadstead. (defdate)

  18. (RQ:Shakespeare Merchant of Venice): Sweet lady, you have given me life and living; / For here I read for certain that my ships / Are safely come to road.

  19. (quote-book)|title=True Travels|publisher=Kupperman|year_published=1988|page=38

  20. A journey, or stage of a journey.

  21. (RQ:Shakespeare Henry 8)

  22. At the venue of the opposing team or competitor; the road.

  23. Of or pertaining to a bike.

  24. (noun form of)

  25. (past participle of)

  26. amused, entertained