
suomi-englanti sanakirja

milk englannista suomeksi

  1. lypsää

  2. käyttää hyväksi

  3. maito

  4. lisätä maitoa

  1. lypsää

  2. lypsää, valuttaa

  3. pyöritellä

  4. kiehua

  5. Substantiivi

milk englanniksi

  1. Milk

  1. A white liquid produced by the glands of female mammals to nourish their young. From certain animals, especially cows, it is also called dairy milk and is a common food for humans as a beverage or used to produce various products such as butter, cheese, and yogurt.

  2. (ux)


  3. 2007 September 24, Chris Horseman (interviewee), Emily Harris (reporter), “Global Dairy Demand Drives Up Prices”, ''Morning Edition'', National Public Radio

  4. (..)there's going to be that much less milk available to cover any other uses. Which means whether it's liquid milk or whether it's milk that's been turned into cheese or yogurt, the price gets pulled up right across the board.
  5. (quote-book)

  6. (senseid) A white (or whitish) liquid obtained from a vegetable source such as almonds, coconuts, oats, rice, and/or beans.

  7. (quote-web)

  8. An individual serving of milk.

  9. An individual portion of milk, such as found in a creamer, for tea and coffee.

  10. {{quote-book|en|year=2014|author=Don Eggspuehler|title=Teachings From Pop|publisher=Author House|isbn=9781496907202|page=459

  11. {{quote-book|en|year=2015|author=Carolyn Arnold|title=City of Gold: (Mathew Connor Adventure Series Book 1)|publisher=Hibbert & Stiles Publishing Inc.|isbn=9781988353043

  12. {{quote-book|en|year=2019|author=Maggie Blackbird|title=Redeemed: The Matawapit Family Series, 1|publisher=eXtasy Books|isbn=9781487424558|page=349

  13. {{quote-book|en|year=2020|author=John Mitton|title=Tedmund and the Murdered Heiress|publisher=Page Publishing, Inc|isbn=9781645846505

  14. The ripe, undischarged spat of an oyster.

  15. Semen.

  16. To express milk from (a mammal, especially a cow).

  17. (RQ:Shakespeare Macbeth)

  18. To draw (milk) from the breasts or udder.

  19. To secrete (milk) from the breasts or udder.

  20. To express a liquid from a creature.

  21. To make excessive use of (a particular point in speech or writing, a source of funds, etc.); to exploit; to advantage of (something).

  22. July 21, 1877, "The Block in the Courts" in ''The Spectator''

  23. They lawyers milk an unfortunate estate as regularly as a dairyman does his stock.
  24. (quote-journal) (London)| date=27 August 2018| url=| passage=If nothing else, (w) can be grateful there was no mutiny. He still heard his name being sung and at the final whistle (w) was not too unkind on the manager or his players. He milked it, too, marching over to the Stretford End to thank them for their generosity.

  25. To give off small gas bubbles during the final part of the charging operation.

  26. To masturbate a male to ejaculation, especially for the amusement or satisfaction of the masturbator rather than the person masturbated.

  27. (quote-book )

  28. (alt sp of)

  29. (l)

  30. milk