
suomi-englanti sanakirja

led englanniksi

  1. LED

  1. (infl of)

  2. Under somebody's control or leadership.

  3. Of a farm, etc.: managed by a deputy instead of the owner or tenant in person.

  4. size

  5. ice

  6. joint (q)

  7. link (q)

  8. link, part (q)

  9. generation (q)

  10. phrase (q)

  11. term (q)

  12. (ux)

  13. side, direction (q)

  14. Jeg skar guleroden over på den lange led.

    I cut the carrot in two lengthwise.

  15. way (q)

  16. gate (q)

  17. disgusting, odious, loathsome

  18. nasty, beastly

  19. (inflection of)

  20. (alt form) (q)

  21. (contraction of)

  22. lead (gloss)

  23. A cauldron (gloss)

  24. a joint or a movable body part adjacent to it

  25. a single part within a whole, especially a sequence

  26. a link (in a chain)

  27. a generation

  28. a gate

  29. an opening in a fence

  30. a side

  31. (alt case)

  32. (alternative spelling of)

  33. LED

  34. great frigidity, freezing cold

  35. hail

  36. (syn)

  37. the plant ((taxfmt))

  38. unfeelingness, coldheartedness

  39. a state of immobilization from fear, doubt, or surprise

  40. emotional coldness

  41. icing

  42. LED, light emitting diode

  43. tired, bored

  44. loathsome, odious

  45. mean

  46. joint; the part of a limb where it can bend; such as a knee or a wrist; phalanx

  47. any mechanical joint where two parts are supposed to move (bend) with respect to each other

  48. a queue, a rank (row of people in front of or next to each other)

  49. a rank (set of members of some organization or group)

  50. (quote-song)

  51. a term

  52. a stage

  53. track, route or way, along which one may walk, go by bicycle or drive a motor vehicle

  54. (verb form of)

  55. (soft mutation of)