
suomi-englanti sanakirja

single englannista suomeksi

  1. vapaa, naimaton, sinkku

  2. yksinäinen

  3. yksinkertainen

  4. yksi

  5. yksisilmäisesti

  6. yhden hengen

  7. lyödä ykköselle

  8. yksittäinen

  9. ykköspesälyönti

  1. yksi, yksittäinen

  2. yksi, jakamaton

  3. yhden hengen">yhden hengen

  4. naimaton, colloquial sinkku

  5. Substantiivi

  6. single, sinkku

  7. naimaton, sinkku

  8. Verbi

  9. valita, poimia

single englanniksi

  1. Not accompanied by anything else; one in number.

  2. (syn)


  3. (quote-journal)

  4. Not divided in parts.

  5. Designed for the use of only one.

  6. Performed by one person, or one on each side.

  7. (RQ:Milton Eikonoklastes) / Who now defies thee thrice to single fight.

  8. Not married, and (in modern times) not dating or without a other.

  9. (ux) or widowed. In this context, a person who is dating someone but who has never married puts "single".

  10. (RQ:Shakespeare Midsummer)

  11. (RQ:Dryden Metamorphoses)

  12. Having only one rank or row of petals.

  13. Simple and honest; sincere, without deceit.

  14. (RQ:Tyndale NT)

  15. (RQ:Shakespeare Henry 8)

  16. Uncompounded; pure; unmixed.

  17. (RQ:Watts Logick)

  18. {{quote-text|en|year=1867|author=William Greenough Thayer Shedd|title=Homiletics, and Pastoral Theology|page=166

  19. Simple; foolish; weak; silly.

  20. (RQ:Beaumont Fletcher Comedies and Tragedies)

  21. A 45 RPM vinyl record with one song on side A and one on side B.

  22. (ant)

  23. A popular song released and sold (on any format) nominally on its own though usually having at least one extra track.

  24. One who is not married or does not have a romantic partner.

  25. A score of one run.

  26. A hit in baseball where the batter advances to first base.

  27. A tile that has a different value (i.e. number of pips) at each end.

  28. A bill valued at $1.

  29. (RQ:Pynchon Crying Lot)

  30. A ticket.

  31. {{quote-text|en|year=1897|author=Richard Marsh|title=The Beetle

  32. A score of one point, awarded when a kicked ball is dead within the non-kicking team's zone or has exited that end zone.

  33. A game with one player on each side, as in tennis.

  34. One of the reeled filaments of silk, twisted without doubling to give them firmness.

  35. A handful of gleaned grain.

  36. A floating-point number having half the precision of a precision|double-precision value.

  37. (cot)

  38. {{quote-text|en|year=2011|author=Rubin H. Landau|title=A First Course in Scientific Computing|page=214

  39. A shot of only one character.

  40. {{quote-text|en|year=1990|author=Jon Boorstin|title=The Hollywood Eye: What Makes Movies Work|page=94

  41. A single cigarette.

  42. (synonym of).

  43. To get a hit that advances the batter exactly one base.

  44. To out.

  45. (RQ:Lawrence Sons and Lovers)

  46. {{quote-text|en|year=1916|title=Transactions of the Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland|page=241

  47. To take the irregular gait called singlefoot.

  48. {{quote-text|en|year=1860|author=William S. Clark|title=Massachusetts Agricultural College Annual Report

  49. To sequester; to withdraw; to retire.

  50. (RQ:Hooker Laws)

  51. To take alone, or one by one; to out.

  52. {{RQ:Hooker Laws

  53. To reduce (a railway) to single track.

  54. (quote-journal)

  55. (l) (gloss)

  56. (l)

  57. A (l) (gloss).

  58. single (gloss)

  59. room

  60. (l), loner (person who lives alone and has no emotional ties)

  61. (l) (unmarried, not in a relationship)

  62. rice

  63. (verb form of)

  64. (monikko) nb|singel

  65. a (l) (qualifier)

  66. (l) (qualifier)

  67. to sprinkle or scatter (l)

  68. (l) (gloss)

  69. (l) (gl)

  70. (l), single person

  71. (es-verb form of)