
suomi-englanti sanakirja

thin englannista suomeksi

  1. laimentaa

  2. laihduttaa

  3. ohut

  4. hoikka, solakka, laiha

  5. ohentua, oheta

  6. ohentaa

  7. heikko

  8. ohuena

  9. kapea

  1. ohut

  2. laiha, hoikka, solakka

  3. ohut, laiha

  4. niukka, harva, vähälukuinen

  5. Substantiivi

  6. ohentuma

  7. lastu

  8. Verbi

  9. ohentaa

  10. oheta, ohentua

  11. laimentaa, laimentua

  12. harventaa

thin englanniksi

  1. Having little thickness or extent from one surface to its opposite.

  2. (ux)

  3. {{RQ:Orwell Animal Farm|7

  4. Very narrow in all diameters; having a section that is small in all directions.

  5. Having little body fat or flesh; slim; slender; lean; gaunt.

  6. Of low viscosity or low gravity.

  7. Scarce; not close, crowded, or numerous; not filling the space.

  8. {{RQ:Addison Italy

  9. Describing a poorly played golf shot where the ball is struck by the bottom part of the club head. See fat, shank, toe.

  10. Lacking body or volume; small; feeble; not full.

  11. {{RQ:Dryden Don Sebastian

  12. Slight; small; slender; flimsy; superficial; inadequate; not sufficient for a covering.

  13. Of a route: relatively little used.

  14. {{quote-text|en|year=2016|author=Hartmut Wolf; Peter Forsyth; David Gillen|title=Liberalization in Aviation|page=105

  15. Poor; scanty; without money or success.

  16. {{quote-text|en|year=1945|author=Jack Henry|title=What Price Crime?|page=92

  17. A loss or tearing of paper from the back of a stamp, although not sufficient to create a complete hole.

  18. Any food produced or served in thin slices.

  19. ''chocolate mint thins''

    ''potato thins''

    ''wheat thins''

  20. To make thin or thinner.

  21. (RQ:Roethke Collected)

  22. To become thin or thinner.

  23. ''The crowds thinned after the procession had passed: there was nothing more to see.''

  24. To dilute.

  25. To remove some plants or parts of plants in order to improve the growth of what remains.

  26. (quote-journal) (Gardening)| date=5 September 2015| page=3| passage=So floriferous are Asian pears, and the tree so laden with young fruit, that as the tree approaches maturity it is worth considering thinning the fruit (I can't quite bring myself to thin the flowers) so as to neither overburden the tree for this year nor tire it for the next. Thinning early in the season, while the fruit is small, is ideal.

  27. Not thickly or closely; in a scattered state.

  28. ''seed sown thin''

  29. (RQ:Bacon War with Spain)

  30. (alt form)

  31. (alternative form of)

  32. thy, your (gloss)

  33. thine, yours

  34. Joseph Wright, An Old High German Primer, Second Edition

  35. Altsächsisches Elementarbuch by Dr. F. Holthausen

  36. (inflection of)

  37. (aspirate mutation of)