
suomi-englanti sanakirja

bend englannista suomeksi

  1. taipuminen, koukistus, taivuttaminen, taitto

  2. tehdä mutka, kaartua

  3. joustaa, koukistua, taipua, taittua

  4. taittaa, koukistaa

  5. mutka, taive, kaarre

  6. kumartua

  7. taivuttaa

  8. kääntyä

  9. kilpiviiva

  1. Verbi

  2. taivuttaa

  3. taipua

  4. kääntää

  5. kääntyä

  6. taipua, suuntautua

  7. kumartua

  8. antaa periksi

  9. suunnata

  10. suuntautua

  11. taipua, myöntyä

  12. sitoa, kiinnittää

  13. Substantiivi

  14. mutka

  15. kytky

  16. palkki

  17. tarkoitus

  18. anturanahka

  19. parras

  20. kaaret (monikko)

bend englanniksi

  1. Bend

  1. To cause (something) to change its shape into a curve, by physical force, chemical action, or any other means.

  2. (ux)

  3. To become curved.

  4. To cause to change direction.

  5. (RQ:Milton Paradise Lost)

  6. (RQ:Shakespeare Henry 6-3)

  7. (RQ:Scott Antiquary)

  8. To change direction.

  9. To be inclined; to direct itself.

  10. (RQ:Milton Poems)

  11. To stoop.

  12. To bow in prayer, or in token of submission.

  13. (RQ:Wordsworth Coleridge Lyrical Ballads)

  14. To force to submit.

  15. (RQ:Shakespeare Cymbeline)

  16. (quote-video game)|location=Redwood City|publisher=Electronic Arts|year=2012|system=PC|scene=2181 Despoina|passage=Leviathan: You cannot conceive of a galaxy that bends to your will.Leviathan: Every creature, every nation, every planet we discovered became our tools. We were above the concerns of lesser species.

  17. To submit.

  18. To apply to a task or purpose.

  19. (RQ:Temple Miscellanea)

  20. (RQ:Pope Rape of the Lock)

  21. To apply oneself to a task or purpose.

  22. To adapt or interpret to for a purpose or beneficiary.

  23. {{quote-book|en|year=2011|author=Demetrios S. Katos|title=Palladius of Helenopolis: The Origenist Advocate|page=60

  24. To tie, as in securing a line to a cleat; to shackle a chain to an anchor; make fast.

  25. To smoothly change the pitch of a note.

  26. To swing the body when rowing.

  27. A curve.

  28. {{quote-text|en|year=1968|author=Johnny Cash|title=Cash:Folsom Prison Blues|Folsom Prison Blues

  29. (RQ:Lincoln Pratt's Patients)

  30. Any of the various knots which join the ends of two lines.

  31. (quote-book)

  32. A severe condition caused by excessively quick decompression, causing bubbles of nitrogen to form in the blood; sickness.

  33. One of the honourable ordinaries formed by two diagonal lines drawn from the chief to the sinister base; it generally occupies a fifth part of the shield if uncharged, but if charged one third.

  34. (cot)

  35. Turn; purpose; inclination; ends.

  36. {{quote-journal|en|year=1608|author=Fletcher (playwright)|John Fletcher|journal=The Faithful Shepherdess|section=act 1, scene 3

  37. In the leather trade, the best quality of sole leather; a butt; sometimes, half a butt cut lengthwise.

  38. Hard, indurated clay; bind.

  39. The thickest and strongest planks in a ship's sides, more generally called wales, which have the beams, knees, and futtocks bolted to them.

  40. The frames or ribs that form the ship's body from the keel to the top of the sides.

  41. (coi)

  42. A glissando, or glide between one pitch and another.

  43. pond, water reservoir

  44. idle or provocative words

  45. servant, henchman

  46. slave

  47. a (l)

  48. a bent position

  49. a butt on a thick rope

  50. (past participle of)

  51. (infl of)

  52. (l) (gloss)

  53. band (group of musicians)