
suomi-englanti sanakirja

join englannista suomeksi

  1. liittäminen

  2. liittyä seuraan

  3. yhdistää, liittää, kiinnittää

  4. liittyä

  5. yhtyä

  6. unioni, yhdiste

  1. Verbi

  2. liittää

  3. kohdata

  4. liittyä

  5. Substantiivi

  6. liitos, yhteys

  7. liitos

join englanniksi

  1. (senseid) To connect or combine into one; to put together.

  2. (ux)

  3. To come together; to meet.

  4. To enter into association or alliance, to unite in a common purpose.

  5. (RQ:Marlowe Tamburlaine)

  6. (RQ:Shakespeare King John)Nature and Fortune ioyn’d to make thee great.

  7. To come into the company of.

  8. (RQ:Churchill Celebrity)

  9. To become a member of.

  10. (RQ:Maxwell Mirror and the Lamp)

  11. To produce an intersection of data in two or more database tables.

  12. To unite in marriage.

  13. (RQ:Book of Common Prayer)

  14. (RQ:Shakespeare As You Like It)this fellow wil but ioyne you together, as they ioyne Wainscot, then one of you wil proue a ſhrunke pannell(..)

  15. (RQ:KJV)

  16. To enjoin upon; to command.

  17. 1527 (originally published, quote is from a later edition), (w), ''The Obedience of a Christian Man''

  18. They join them penance, as they call it.
  19. To accept, or engage in, as a contest.

  20. (RQ:Milton Paradise Lost)

  21. An act of joining or the state of being joined; a junction or joining.

  22. (quote-journal)|volume=617|doi=10.1038/s41586-023-05896-x|page=313|passage=We found 217 putative interchromosomal joins. Only one of these joins (in the paternal assembly of HG02080) was located in a euchromatic, non-acrocentric region and was manually confirmed to be a misassembly.

  23. An intersection of piping or wiring; an interconnect.

  24. An intersection of data in two or more database tables.

  25. The act of joining something, such as a network.

  26. (quote-book)

  27. The lowest upper bound, an operation between pairs of elements in a lattice, denoted by the symbol (m).

  28. (ant)

  29. to (l); to become member of

  30. to (l); to up

  31. one

  32. (infl of)