
Tarkoititko: ydin

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englanti he, she, it, him, her
his, her, its
(ja-romanization of)


spectacled (White or common) caiman, caimans, Caiman crocodilus.

Yaka WEke. Ah, kawikaapapai ka jouhan! ... Yakakuma jano han!

He was a gigantic caiman. Ah, he was terrifying indeed, that one! ....The Caiman Spirit, he was!

''Iye ejekujata ipitsi, ayakatapai umapai. EjekuJAtapai tonejunaun. Ipitsi ja umapai: ayakatawi.

Kamani iya yaka okaho?

''Itsa ejekuJAtapai, ententsapai kupato. Ipitsi inyaun wi, kata inyaun, kata enojanaun, iya ayakata, umakonapai yiu whun, iya ententsapai papisulu."

Mayanu: When someone goes to await someone — that's what ayakatapai means. When men wait patiently a long time for women. That's what we call ayakatapai.

Anthropologist asks why the word mentions the caiman.

Kaomo: That's how caimans wait, motionless — they're on the lookout for fish. So you say the same thing about those people, those men, who go to await their lovers, who stand alert and motionless, waiting for the women to come out of their houses.


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