

  1. kiista, riita, erimielisyys, konflikti, mielipide-ero, kina, tora, sananvaihto, yhteenotto, tappelu, kiistely, sanasota, rähinä, melu, meteli, rähäkkä, rytäkkä, nahistelu, kinastelu, riitely, nahina, riidanpoikanen, hämminki, hässäkkä, kahina, kahakoida, kinata, rettelöidä, rähistä, torailla, nujakoida, riidellä, torata, kähistä, kiistellä, nahistella, tapella, väitellä.

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rettelöidä, kinata, torailla

sanasota puhekieltä To bicker, or quarrel angrily and noisily.
c. 1611, (w), (w), Act V, Scene 1,

Yes, for a score of kingdoms you should wrangle,
And I would call it, fair play.
1716, (w), The Freeholder, No. 39, Friday, May 4, 1716, in The Works of Joseph Addison, Volume III, New York: Harper & Brothers, 1837, p. 235,
He did not know what it was to wrangle on indifferent points, to triumph in the superiority of his understanding, or to be supercilious on the side of truth.
1941, (w), (w), Chapter 18,
I stood where land and sea wrangled ferociously over the overlap.
puhekieltä To herd (horses or other livestock); puhekieltä to supervise, manage (people).
1962, “The Second Time Around,” w:Time (magazine)|Time, 12 January, 1962,,9171,828944,00.html
When she tries to wrangle a calf, she ends up flat on her face in the barnyard muck.
2010, Sean Gordon, “Gionta settles in, stands out,” (w), 3 October, 2010,
Wrangling a chaotic group of five-year-olds is unnerving enough without the added stress of a famous NHLer in the room helping lace his son’s skates.
puhekieltä To involve in a quarrel or dispute; to embroil.
1649, w:Robert Sanderson (theologian)|Robert Sanderson, Letter to N. N. respecting the relative Merits of the Presbyterians and the Independents, 10 April, 1649, in (w), The Life of William Sancroft, Archbishop of Canterbury, Volume II, London: John Murray, 1821, Appendix, p. 442,
When we have wrangled ourselves as long as our wits and strengths will serve us, the honest, downright sober English Protestant will be found, in the end, the man in the safest way, and by the surest line (..)
väärinkirjoitettu muoto

I dont know how, but she managed to wrangle us four front row seats at tonight's game.''

An act of wrangling.
An angry dispute.


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