


  1. (elimistö) kohtu



  1. kohtu, naisen lisääntymiselimet, uterus.

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kohtu puhekieltä In female mammals, the organ in which the young are conceived and grow until birth; the uterus. (defdate)
puhekieltä The abdomen or stomach. (defdate)
(RQ:Mlry MrtArthr1):

And his hede, hym semed,was enamyled with asure, and his shuldyrs shone as the golde, and his wombe was lyke mayles of a merveylous hew(nb..).
puhekieltä The stomach of a person or creature. (defdate)
1395, (w), Bible, Jonah II:
And þe Lord made redi a gret fish þat he shulde swolewe Ionas; and Ionas was in wombe of þe fish þre daȝes and þre niȝtis.
puhekieltä A place where something is made or formed. (defdate)
The womb of earth the genial seed receives.
1826, Mary Shelley, w The Last Man, part 2, chapter 7
The shadows of the future hours rose dark and menacing from the womb of time ...
Any cavity containing and enveloping anything.
Robert Browning
The centre spike of gold / Which burns deep in the bluebell's womb.

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