

  1. halu, hinku, vietti

Esimerkkejä urge sanan käytöstä:

to have an ~ to do something

Liittyvät sanat: urgent



  1. halu, himo, tarve, hinku, vietti, hoputtaa, kiirehdittää, vaatia, kannustaa, painostaa, kehottaa, patistaa, ahdistaa, paasata, kannattaa, neuvoa, selittää, antaa neuvoja, ohjata.

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halu, tarve A strong desire; an itch to do something.
puhekieltä To press; to push; to drive; to impel; to force onward.
Alexander Pope

through the thick deserts headlong urged his flight
puhekieltä To press the mind or will of; to ply with motives, arguments, persuade persuasion, or importunity.
My brother never / Did urge me in his act; I did inquire it.
puhekieltä To provoke; to exasperate.
Urge not my father's anger.
Sir Walter Scott
"I can answer a civil question civilly," said the youth, "and will pay fitting respect to your age, if you do not urge my patience with mockery. (..)
puhekieltä To press hard upon; to follow closely.
Heir urges heir, like wave impelling wave.
puhekieltä To present in an urgent manner; to insist upon.

to urge an argument; to urge the necessity of a case

puhekieltä To treat with forcible means; to take severe or violent measures with.

to urge an ore with intense heat

puhekieltä To press onward or forward.
puhekieltä To be pressing in argument; to insist; to persist.
(inflection of)
(es-verb form of)


urge rimmaa näiden kanssa:

image, bridge, sitoumusbridge, college, beige

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