


  1. taloustiede|k=en tarjonta

  2. ('supplies') tarvikkeet

  3. sijainen

Esimerkkejä supply sanan käytöstä:

Ships brought 'supplies' for the new colony.

: Laivat toimittivat 'tarvikkeita' uudelle siirtokunnalle.

Liittyvät sanat: supplier



  1. epämääräinen määrä, reservi, hankinta, jakelu, nesteyttää, vapauttaa, ladata, varustaa, antaa, tarjota, kalustaa, jakaa, toimittaa.

Lisää synonyymejää




jakelu, hankinta


jatkaa (senseid)puhekieltä To provide (something), to make (something) available for use.

to supply money for the war


puhekieltä To furnish or equip with.

to supply a furnace with fuel; to supply soldiers with ammunition

puhekieltä To fill up, or keep full.

Rivers are supplied by smaller streams.

puhekieltä To compensate for, or make up a deficiency of.
1881, s:Robert Louis Stevenson|Robert Louis Stevenson, s:Virginibus Puerisque|Virginibus Puerisque:
It was objected against him that he had never experienced love. Whereupon he arose, left the society, and made it a point not to return to it until he considered that he had supplied the defect.
puhekieltä To serve instead of; to take the place of.
Burning ships the banished sun supply.
The sun was set, and Vesper, to supply / His absent beams, had lighted up the sky.
puhekieltä To act as a substitute.
puhekieltä To fill temporarily; to serve as substitute for another in, as a vacant place or office; to occupy; to have possession of.

to supply a pulpit

puhekieltä The act of supplying.

supply and demand

puhekieltä An amount of something supplied.

A supply of good drinking water is essential.

puhekieltä provisions.
puhekieltä An amount of money provided, as by Parliament or Congress, to meet the annual national expenditures.

to vote supplies

Somebody, such as a teacher or clergyman, who temporarily fills the place of another; a substitute.
supplely Supplely: in a supple manner, with suppleness.
1906, Ford Madox Ford, The fifth queen: and how she came to court, page 68:
His voice was playful and full; his back was bent supply.
1938, David Leslie Murray, Commander of the mists:
(..) the rain struck on her head as she bent supply to the movements of the pony, while it scrambled up the bank to the sheltering trees. For a couple of miles the path ran through woods alive with the varied voices of the rain, (..)
1963, Johanna Moosdorf, Next door:
She swayed slightly in the gusts, bent supply to them and seemed at one with the force which Straup found so hostile.
1988, Михаи́л Алекса́ндрович Шо́лохов (Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov), Quiet flows the Don (translated), volume 1, page 96:
Grigory hesitantly took her in his arms to kiss her, but she held him off, bent supply backwards and shot a frightened glance at the windows.
'They'll see!'
'Let them!'
'I'd be ashamed—'
ranska offre et demande (f), l'offre et la demande
saksa Angebot und Nachfrage
italia demanda e offerta (f)
venäjä спрос и предложе́ние qualifier demand and supply
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