


  1. venytys, venyttäminen

  2. matkaosuus

  3. (ajan)jakso



  1. pitkä, ylipitkä, pidennetty, laajentaminen, venyttäminen, venytellä, kasvattaa, korottaa, laajentaa, lisätä, suurentaa, jatkaa, siirtää, viedä.

Lisää synonyymejää

Liittyvät sanat: stretch-, stretching.







venyttää puhekieltä To lengthen by pulling.


puhekieltä To lengthen when pulled.
The inner membrane (..) because it would stretch and yield, remained unbroken.
puhekieltä To pull tight.
puhekieltä To get more use than expected from a limited resource.
puhekieltä To make inaccurate by exaggeration.
puhekieltä To extend physically, especially from limit point to limit point.
puhekieltä To extend one’s limbs or another part of the body in order to improve the elasticity of one's muscles
puhekieltä To extend to a limit point
puhekieltä To increase.
{{quote-journal|date=October 29, 2011|author=Neil Johnston|work=BBC Sport
puhekieltä To stretch the truth; to exaggerate.

a man apt to stretch in his report of facts

puhekieltä To sail by the wind under press of canvas.

The ship stretched to the eastward.


An act of stretching.

I was right in the middle of a stretch when the phone rang.

To say crossing the street was brave was quite a stretch.

The ability to lengthen when pulled.

That rubber band has quite a bit of stretch.

A course of thought which diverts from straightforward logic, or requires extraordinary belief.

Its a bit of a stretch to call Boris Karloff a comedian.''

A segment of a journey or route.

It was an easy trip except for the last stretch, which took forever.

Its a tough stretch of road in the winter, especially without chains.''

A segment or length of material.

a stretch of cloth

puhekieltä A quick pitching delivery used when runners are on base where the pitcher slides his leg instead of lifting it.
puhekieltä A long reach in the direction of the ball with a foot remaining on the base by a first baseman in order to catch the ball sooner.
A length of time.

He did a 7-year stretch in jail.

(RQ:Orwell Animal Farm)
After the harvest there was a stretch of clear dry weather, and the animals toiled harder than ever (..)
puhekieltä (n-g)
2007, Michael Farrell, Running with Buffalo
“Hey, Stretch,” he shouted at a tall, spectacled co-worker, “turn the fucking station, will you? You know I can't stand Rush, and it's all they play on this one. If I hear those assholes whine 'Tom Sawyer' one more time, I may go on a fucking killing spree.
puhekieltä extended daylight hours, especially said of the evening in springtime when compared to the shorter winter days

There is a grand stretch in the evenings.


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