


  1. suihku

  2. sadekuuro



  1. saniteettivaruste, suihku, alastulo, lasku, ryöppy, pilvi, pirskottaa, ruiskuttaa, suihkuttaa, heitellä.

Lisää synonyymejää



tulvia, suihkuta



heitellä A brief fall of precipitation.


A device for bathe bathing by which water is made to fall on the body from a height, either from a tank or by the action of a pump.
An instance of using of this device in order to bathe oneself.

(ux) (qualifier)

A quantity of something that has characteristics of a rain shower.
A party associated with a significant event in a person's life, at which the person usually receives gifts.
A bridal shower.
A baby shower.
puhekieltä A battle, an attack; conflict.
(RQ:Mlry MrtDrthr):
With this I maye be sure to come sauf / and goo sauf / and that the quene shal haue her lyberte as she had before / and neuer for no thynge that hath ben surmysed afore this tyme / she neuer fro this day stande in no peryll / for els sayd sir launcelot I dare auenture me to kepe her from an harder shoure than euer I kepte her
puhekieltä A shower of shit.
1956, (w) (motion picture):
puhekieltä (non-gloss definition)
1991, Allen Feldman, Formations of Violence: The Narrative of the Body and Political Terror in Northern Ireland, page 208 ( University of Chicago Press; ISBN 9780226240701, 9780226240718)
It was one of the worst feelings in the H-Block, one of the worst experiences to sit and listen to somebody getting beat. Because you were totally powerless, and you would always get somebody shouting at the door, “You shower of bastards!” It was always a crowd of screws and one or two naked men in a cell. They had total control.
ranska fête prénatale (f), baby shower (m)
saksa Babyparty (f), Baby Shower (f)
venäjä бе́би-ша́уэр (m) = bɛ́bi-šáuer qualifier US, various spellings exist, пра́здник для будущий бу́дущей мама ма́мы (m)


shower rimmaa näiden kanssa:

weber, freelancer, cheerleader, outsider, loafer, schäfer, penger, suojapenger, rantapenger, tiepenger

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