


  1. koulu, oppilaitos

  2. koulukunta

Esimerkkejä school sanan käytöstä:

'School' has started again after the summer holidays. – Koulu on alkanut jälleen kesälomien jälkeen.

law 'school', medical 'school' – "oikeustieteellinen", "lääketieteellinen"

"Where did you go to 'school'?" "Harvard."

the Flemish 'school' of painting

old 'school'

Katso myös: postgraduate

Liittyvät sanat: school day , school head , school meal , school year , schoolbook/school book , schoolboy , schoolgirl , schoolhouse , schoolmarm , schoolmate , schoolwork , art school , school bus , school age , cut school , pre-school , school bag , school fee , school trip , school play , camp school , night school , school nurse , drama school , Sunday school , school report , reform school , school dinner , school system , nursery school , primary school,



  1. kala, joukko, ryhmä, eläinryhmä, parvi, koulukunta, Ashcan School, Eight, dekonstruktivismi.

Lisää synonyymejää



koulu, oppilaitos



parvi (senseid) puhekieltä A group of fish or a group of marine mammals such as porpoises, dolphins, or whales.

The divers encountered a huge school of mackerel.

A multitude.
(lbl) (of fish) To form into, or travel in a school.
puhekieltä An institution dedicated to teaching and learning; an educational institution.


puhekieltä An educational institution providing primary and secondary education, prior to tertiary education (college or university).
{{quote-magazine|date=2013-07-19|author= Mark Tran
puhekieltä At (w), a period or session of teaching.

Divinity, history and geography are studied for two schools per week.

Within a larger educational institution, an organizational unit, such as a department or institute, which is dedicated to a specific subject area.
(qualifier) The followers of a particular doctrine; a particular way of thinking or particular doctrine; a school of thought.
Jeremy Taylor
Let no man be less confident in his faith (..) by reason of any difference in the several schools of Christians.
The time during which classes are attended or in session in an educational institution.
The room or hall in English universities where the examinations for degrees and honours are held.
The canons, precepts, or body of opinion or practice, sanctioned by the authority of a particular class or age.

He was a gentleman of the old school.

A. S. Hardy
His face pale but striking, though not handsome after the schools.
An establishment offering specialized instruction, as for driving, cooking, typing, coding, etc.
puhekieltä To educate, teach, or train (often, but not necessarily, in a school.)

Many future prime ministers were schooled in Eton.

puhekieltä To defeat emphatically, to teach an opponent a harsh lesson.
1998, Leigh Jones, "National bar exam methods win in ADA regulation test," wikipedia:The Journal Record|The Journal Record, April 13,
A blind law graduate who put the National Conference of Bar Examiners to the test got schooled in federal court.
{{quote-book|2006|Steve Smith|Forever Red: Confessions Of A Cornhusker Football Fan|page=67
2007, Peter David and Alvin Sargent, Spider-Man 3, Simon and Schuster, ISBN 1416527214, pg. 216,
"You again?" Sandman demanded. "I guess you didn't learn your lesson."
"This time I'm gonna school you."
puhekieltä To control, or compose, one's expression.

She took care to school her expression, not giving away any of her feelings.

English school (gloss)
a group of fish
(nl-verb form of)


  • "' "Oletko valmistunut Smith N. Jones High Schoolista"'Jimbo Wales:' "En, he potkivat minut pois sen jälkeen, kun minulle sattui onneton välikohtaus Britannica-pinon kanssa... no, se on pitkä tarina. :-) Onko sinulla hauskaa"

  • "I never went to fcking university. I dont know what a paint brush is, I never went to art school. I never experimented in my fcking youth. I worked on a building site then I sold out Madison Square Garden. Get on that." ("En koskaan mennyt viun yliopistoon. En tiedä mikä maalaussivellin on, en koskaan mennyt taidekouluun. En koskaan kokenut viun nuoruuttani. Työskentelin raksalla ja sitten loppuunmyin Madison Square Gardenin. Ajattele sitä.")"

  • "Milhouse:' "Don't you hate that we have to go back to stupid school tomorrow" (Etkö vihaa sitä että meidän täytyy mennä huomenna taas takaisin typerään kouluun) 'Lisa:' "I like school." (Minä pidän koulusta.) 'Milhouse:' "Me too." (Niin minäkin.)"


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