


  1. tiedustelu

  2. kysymys

  3. kysymysmerkki

  4. tietotekniikka|k=en kysely

Katso myös: bis

Liittyvät sanat: inquire , enquire



  1. kuulustelu, kysely, kysyminen, tiedustelu, tutkimus, ihmetellä, tiedustella, kysyä, kysellä, tehdä välikysymys, kuulustella.

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kysely A question, an inquiry (qualifier), an enquiry (qualifier).

The teacher answered the students query concerning biosynthesis.''

A question mark.
Oliver Sacks, Awakenings
She had written in her diary: "I don't think I am in a concentration-camp??????", the queries growing larger and more numerous till they covered the entire page (..)
2006, "Pip", Re: Royal Enfield motorbike - why would anyone buy one? (on newsgroup rec.motorcycles)
I refer you to your line above, where you use a query and a bang together.
puhekieltä A set of instructions passed to a database.

The database admin switched on query logging for debugging purposes.

puhekieltä To ask, inquire.
puhekieltä To ask a question.
puhekieltä To question or call into doubt.
puhekieltä To pass a query to a database to retrieve information.
puhekieltä To send a private message to (a user on IRC).
2000, "Phantom", Re: Uhm.. hi... I guess... (on newsgroup alt.support.boy-lovers)
He parted the channel saying "SHUTUP!"... so I queried him, asking if there was something I could do.. maybe talk...
2000, "Robert Erdec", Re: Help; mIRC32; unable to resolve server arnes.si (on newsgroup alt.irc.mirc)
if you know someone who is in the channel, you can query them and ask for the key.


query rimmaa näiden kanssa:

henry, sherry, sorry, curry, kärry, ostoskärry, peräkärry, country, jury, treasury

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