

  1. arkikieltä|k=en neloset

  2. arkikieltä|k=en mönkijä

  3. arkikieltä|k=en reisilihas; sitä harjoittava liike



  1. ala, alue, välilyönti, sisäpiha, väli, kirjasin, ojentajalihas, ojentaja, nelipäinen reisilihas, musculus quadriceps femoris, reisilihas.

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sisäpiha Four shots of espresso.
puhekieltä A kind of round robin tournament between four players, where each participant plays every other participant once.
puhekieltä The Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price bound in a single volume.
Having four shots of espresso.
puhekieltä A quadrangle (gloss).
2014, Walker Orenstein, for Norwest Asian Weekly, http://www.nwasianweekly.com/2014/05/cherry-trees-japan-grace-uw-campus/ Cherry trees from Japan to grace UW campus:

Every spring, the quad on the University of Washington (UW) campus transforms from a peaceful green space to a bustling habitat for hundreds of shuttering cameras, families, and onlookers.
puhekieltä A quadruplet (gloss).
puhekieltä A quadrilateral.
2010, Tony Mullen, ‎Claudio Andaur, Blender Studio Projects: Digital Movie-Making (page 91)
Tris and quads have different areas of functionality. In real-time graphics, tris are the norm because they provide the most basic geometric representations of planes.
puhekieltä A quadriceps muscle.
puhekieltä Of or relating to quadsNoun quads.
A quad bike (gloss)
(abbreviation of) (gloss)
puhekieltä A blank metal block used to fill short lines of type.
1853, w:Charles Dickens|Charles Dickens, “Household Words”, n 160 (April 16), http://books.google.com/books?id=axAHAQAAIAAJ&pg=PA147&vq=quads&cad=1_1PPA148,M1 p 148:
 “Quadrats, sir. We call 'em quads.” . . . Quads are the spaces left between the paragraphs that come white on the paper. If you look here, at this page that is set-up, you will see that they are deeper than the spaces left between the words and letters—regular little trenches.
1979, Marshall Lee, Bookmaking, http://books.google.com/books?id=yiSeCZTFAtQC p 110:
Horizontal spacing is further divided into multiples and fractions of the em. The multiples are called quads. The fractions are called spaces.
2005, Phil Baines and Andrew Haslam, Type & Typography, 2nd ed, http://books.google.com/books?id=rs6gyb2hPF4C p 91:
Other larger spaces – known as quads – were used to space out lines.
puhekieltä A joke used to fill long days of setting type.
puhekieltä A keyboard command which aligns text with the left or right margin, or centred between them. In combination, as quad left, quad right{{, or quad centre.
puhekieltä To fill spaces in a line of type with quads. Also quad out.
puhekieltä To align text with the left or right margin, or centre it.
English quad, quad bike
quad bike
all-terrain vehicle


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