


  1. pullea, rehevä

Liittyvät sanat: klumpighet



  1. lihava, läski, pulska, pyöreä, rehevä, pullea, puhekielen ilmaus, arkikielen ilmaus, suoraan, valita, ottaa, valikoida, poimia, päätyä jhk, laskea maahan, laskea alas, asettaa maahan, rysäyttää, mätkäyttää, jysäyttää, paiskata, lysähtää, tömäyttää, mäjäyttää.

Lisää synonyymejää

Liittyvät sanat: plumpsahdus, plumpsahtaa.




päätyä jhk


pulska, pullea puhekieltä To grow Adjective plump; to swell out.

Her cheeks have plumped.

puhekieltä To drop or fall suddenly or heavily, all at once.
Dulcissa plumps into a chair.
puhekieltä To make plump; to fill (out) or support; often with up.

to plump oysters or scallops by placing them in fresh or brackish water

to plump up the hollowness of their history with improbable miracles
puhekieltä To cast or let drop all at once, suddenly and heavily.

to plump a stone into water

1859, Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities
Although Miss Pross, through her long association with a French family, might have known as much of their language as of her own, if she had had a mind, she had no mind in that direction (..) So her manner of marketing was to plump a noun-substantive at the head of a shopkeeper without any introduction in the nature of an article (..)
puhekieltä To give a plumper (kind of vote).
puhekieltä To give (a vote), as a plumper.
(used with for) To favor or decide in favor of something.
"A recent poll by the New York Times found that although most Brazilians plump for arch-rival Argentina as the team they most want to lose, the second-biggest group want Brazil itself to stumble." source:
Having a full and rounded shape; chubby, somewhat overweight.


(w) (1595-1640)
The god of wine did his plump clusters bring.
(quote-book)|chapter=23|title= Crime out of Mind|passage=He was a plump little man and we had been walking uphill at a pace—set by him—far too rapid for his short legs. He breathed stertorously, and half the drops which glimmered on his rotund face were not rain but sweat.
fat Fat.
Sudden and without reservation; blunt; direct; downright.
After the plump statement that the author was at Erceldoune and spake with Thomas.
directly Directly; suddenly; perpendicularly.
puhekieltä A knot or cluster; a group; a crowd.

a plump of trees, fowls, or spears

To visit islands and the plumps of men. — Chapman.

crude, clumsy
(alternative form of)

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