


  1. mela

  2. lasta (keittiöväline)

  3. siipiratas, sen lapa

  4. (pingis) maila

  5. evä (kilpikonnan)

  6. läppä



  1. maila, rangaistusväline, airo, mela, keppi, pöytätennismaila, pingpong-maila, kääntää lappeelleen, meloa.

Lisää synonyymejää







keppi A two-handed, single-bladed oar used to propel a canoe or a small boat.
A double-bladed oar used for kayaking.
Time spent on paddling.

We had a nice paddle this morning.

A slat of a paddleboat's wheel.
A paddlewheel.
A blade of a waterwheel.
puhekieltä A game controller with a round wheel used to control player movement along one axis of the video screen.
puhekieltä A meandering walk or dabble through shallow water, especially at the seaside.
A kitchen utensil shaped like a paddle and used for mixing, beating etc.
A bat-shaped spanking implement

The paddle practically ousted the British cane as the spankers attribute in the independent US

A ping-pong bat.
A flat limb of an aquatic animal, adapted for swimming.

A sea turtles paddles make it swim almost as fast as land tortoises are slow

In a sluice, a panel that controls the flow of water.
A group of inerts
A handheld defibrillation/cardioversion electrode
puhekieltä hand
puhekieltä To propel something through water with a paddle, oar, hands, etc.
as the men were paddling for their lives
while paddling ducks the standing lake desire
1884: (w), (w), Chapter IX
Daytimes we paddled all over the island in the canoe(..)
puhekieltä To row a boat with less than one's full capacity.
puhekieltä To spank with a paddle.
To pat or stroke amorously or gently.
to be paddling palms and pinching fingers.
To tread upon; to trample.
puhekieltä To walk or dabble playfully in shallow water, especially at the seaside.
To toddle
puhekieltä To toy or caress using hands or fingers
(de-verb form of)


paddle rimmaa näiden kanssa:

ale, ginger ale, chippendale, kale, riekale, roikale, suikale, kekkale, vonkale, huiskale

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