


  1. auts

  2. Voi, ei!

Esimerkkejä ouch sanan käytöstä:

'Ouch'! You stepped on my toe! That hurt!

'Ouch!' I’d really liked to do that.



ai, au, auts, auh!, aijai

auts, auh, oi voi, oijoi, voi voi

auts, auh An expression of one's own physical pain.

Ouch! You stepped on my toe! That hurt!

An expression in sympathy at another's pain.

Ouch! Her sunburn looks awful.

A reply to an insult (frequently one that is tongue-in-cheek or joking).

Ouch. How could you say that?

An expression of disappointment.

Ouch, I really wanted to do that.

puhekieltä Expressing surprise at the high price of something.

''Ouch, one hundred thousand dollars for a car! I could never afford that!

(alternative form of)
interjection expressing a sharp pain: ouch!


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high tech, hi-tech, sandwich, brunch, kitsch

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