

  1. sairas

Esimerkkejä ill sanan käytöstä:

That cat is ill.



  1. huonokuntoinen, hankala, huono, paha, vakava, vahingollinen, kipeä, sairas.

Lisää synonyymejää

Liittyvät sanat: illakko, illallinen, illalliskortti, illalliskutsu, illallispöytä, illallistanssiaiset.






sairaus puhekieltä evil Evil; wicked (of people). (defdate)
(w) (1663-1732)

St. Paul chose to magnify his office when ill men conspired to lessen it.
(RQ:Fielding Tom Jone)
A man who is conscious of having an ill character, cannot justly be angry with those who neglect and slight him.
puhekieltä Morally reprehensible (of behaviour etc.); blameworthy. (defdate)
1999, (w), A Clash of Kings, Bantam 2011, p. 2:
‘Go bring her. It is ill to keep a lady waiting.’
Indicative of unkind or malevolent intentions; harsh, cruel. (defdate)


Unpropitious, unkind, faulty, not up to reasonable standard.
unwell Unwell in terms of health or physical condition; sick. (defdate)
Having an urge to vomit. (defdate)
puhekieltä sublime Sublime, with the connotation of being so in a singularly creative way.
*1986, Beastie Boys, License to Ill
1994, Biggie Smalls, The What
Biggie Smalls is the illest / Your style is played out, like Arnold wonderin "Whatchu talkin bout, Willis?"
puhekieltä Extremely bad (bad enough to make one ill). Generally used indirectly with to be.
Not well; imperfectly, badly; hardly.
1859, Charles Dickens, The Haunted House
Within, I found it, as I had expected, transcendently dismal. The slowly changing shadows waved on it from the heavy trees, were doleful in the last degree; the house was ill-placed, ill-built, ill-planned, and ill-fitted.
(RQ:Schuster Hepaticae V)
In both groups, however, we find copious and intricate speciation so that, often, species limits are narrow and ill defined.
1994, Nelson Mandela, Long Walk to Freedom, Abacus 2010, p. 541:
His inflexibility and blindness ill become a leader, for a leader must temper justice with mercy.
2006, Julia Borossa (translator), Monique Canto-Sperber (quoted author), in w:Libération Libération, 2002 February 2, quoted in w:Élisabeth Badinter|Élisabeth Badinter (quoting author), Dead End Feminism, Polity, ISBN 9780745633800, page 40:
Is it because this supposes an undifferentiated violence towards others and oneself that I could ill imagine in a woman?
puhekieltä trouble Trouble; distress; misfortune; adversity.
That makes us rather bear those ills we have / Than fly to others that we know not of.
harm Harm or injury.
evil Evil; moral wrongfulness.
Strong virtue, like strong nature, struggles still, / Exerts itself, and then throws off the ill.
A physical ailment; an illness.
puhekieltä PCP, phencyclidine.
bad, evil, wicked
harsh, severe
difficult, troublesome
awkward, unskilled
badly, evilly, wickedly
harshly, severely
with difficulty
awkwardly, inexpertly
ill will, malice


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