


  1. taivaallinen

Liittyvät sanat: heaven



  1. taivaallinen, jumalainen, jumalallinen, hurskas, jumalinen, taivainen, pyhä, paratiisimainen, paratiisillinen, paratiisin, ylimaallinen, kuolematon.

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taivaallinen Of or pertaining to the heaven believed in by many religions; good, beautiful, glorious, pleasurable.
Of or pertaining to the heavens or sky, regarded as the realm of the sun, moon, planets and stars.
Of or pertaining to the kingdom of God; divine.
1817, w:Charles Phillips (Irish barrister)|Charles Phillips (author-editor), Speech in the Case of O′Mullan v. M′Korkill, The Speeches of Charles Phillips, http://books.google.com.au/books?id=qlQVAAAAQAAJ&pg=PA131&dq=%22heavenlier%22%7C%22heavenliest%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=YLzNUImGNaf3mAXZgIHIDQ&redir_esc=yv=onepage&q=%22heavenlier%22%7C%22heavenliest%22&f=false page 131,

No doubt, you have all personally considered — no doubt, you have all personally experienced, that of all the blessings which it has pleased Providence to allow us to cultivate, there is not one which breathes a purer fragrance, or bears an heavenlier aspect than education.
Extremely beautiful or pleasurable.

Oh, please continue giving me a massage – it′s absolutely heavenly.

1880, w:Mark Twain|Mark Twain, w:A Tramp Abroad|A Tramp Abroad, The Works of Mark Twain: Authorized Uniform Edition, Volume 1, http://books.google.com.au/books?id=Qhd52mjPrS8C&pg=PA19&dq=%22heavenlier%22%7C%22heavenliest%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=YLzNUImGNaf3mAXZgIHIDQ&redir_esc=yv=onepage&q=%22heavenlier%22%7C%22heavenliest%22&f=false page 19,
So he flew down and got that acorn, and fetched it up and dropped it in, and was just tilting his head back, with the heavenliest smile on his face, when all of a sudden he was paralyzed into a listening attitude and that smile faded gradually out of his countenance like breath off′n a razor, and the queerest look of surprise took its place.
In a manner like that of heaven; by the influence or agency of heaven; divinely, miraculously.
(RQ:Flr Mntgn Essay), II.12:
by night she saw that God in her armes, saying moreover unto her, that the next day, the first man she met withall, should heavenly pay her her wages.
To a degree such as to elicit great pleasure.
2003, Ruben Soto, Fiesta for the Hispanic Soul, p. 136:
Then, we taste the refried beans and the rice, and they are so heavenly delicious.


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